- Walter VI of Brienne
Walter VI of Brienne (neè: Gaulterio de Candia, VI Comte de Brienne, c. 1304 –
19 September 1356 ) wasCount of Brienne ,Conversano , andLecce , and titular Duke of Athens. Walter was the son of Walter V, Duke of Athens, and Jeanne de Chatillon (d. 1354), the daughter of the Count of Porcien, a constable to KingPhilip IV of France .As grandson of
Hugh of Brienne (d. 1296), he was heir to a vast property all around the Mediterranean. After his father's death at theBattle of Halmyros on15 March 1311 , Walter became Count of Brienne, etc., and Duke of Athens. However, all of the Duchy except forArgos and Nauplia had been overrun by theCatalan Company , and Walter spent much of his life in an unsuccessful struggle to recover that inheritance of his grandmother's family, until the 1340s when he moved to Italy and France and left Argos-Nauplia to be ruled by guardians. TheDuchy of Athens was not the first loss in his family: Walter's grandfather had been rejected from the succession of the kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, and his great-great-grandfather had been Pretender of the throne of Sicily, as husband of the sister ofWilliam III of Sicily . They had barely regained the County of Lecce, and were still claiming the Principality of Taranto.His mother Jeanne carried out a vigorous struggle against the Catalans during his minority, which, however, had little military effect but impoverished him. To strengthen his position, Walter engaged in a strategic marriage to Margaret, the niece of King
Robert of Naples and daughter ofPhilip I of Taranto byThamar , in December 1325. At this time,Florence requested King Robert's support in protecting Guelph interests inItaly , and elected his son,Charles, Duke of Calabria , as signore ofFlorence for a ten-year period (1326–36). Walter VI's almost-princely position in theAngevin court soon won him an appointment asVicar for Charles ofCalabria , an office that he only exercised for a few months in 1326.In 1329, Walter obtained the support of
Robert of Naples andPope John XXII , who declared acrusade for his recovery ofAthens . Walter sailed for the East in 1331, but the price of Robert's support was that he first reduce theDespotate of Epirus , as Vicar-General of theLatin Empire . Here he tookArta and forced the Despot John Orsini to acknowledge the suzerainty of Naples. His attempts to recover Athens andBoeotia , however, were frustrated by the Venetian alliance with the Catalans and the failure of the Catalans to give battle. His only son, Walter, died of illness during the campaign, and he returned to Naples in 1332. He also occupied himself with his lands in France, and was the King's Lieutenant inThiérache in 1339. His wife died in 1340, and he returned toItaly in 1342 when the Florentine ruling class of wealthy merchants called upon him to rule the city. Since 1339,Florence had been in the grip of a severe economic crisis brought about by immense English debts to Florentine banking houses, and by astronomical public debts incurred in trying to obtain the nearby city ofLucca from its Veronese lord,Mastino Della Scala . The Florentine nobility looked to foreign powers to solve the city's seemingly impossible financial problems, and found an ally in Walter of Brienne. Although the ruling class invited Walter to rule for a limited time, the lower classes, who were fed up with the ineptitude of Walter's predecessors, unexpectedly proclaimed him signore for life.Walter VI ruled despotically, ignoring or directly opposing the interests of the very same merchant class that had brought him to power. The "Duke of Athens" imposed harsh economic correctives on the Florentines, including the flat tax "estimo", and "prestanze", postponements of the city's repayment of loans forced from the wealthier citizens. These measures both angered the Florentines, and helped alleviate the fiscal crisis that had been stewing for years. After only ten months, Walter of Brienne's signoria was cut short by conspiracy. Walter VI was not only forced to resign from office, but barely escaped Florence with his life.
In 1344 he married Jeanne, the daughter of
Raoul I of Brienne, Count of Eu . She bore him two daughters, Jeanne and Marguerite, both of whom died young. As he had no surviving children, it was evident that his sister's issue would inherit his possessions and claims. He was appointedConstable of France in 1356 and in that capacity died on19 September 1356 at the Battle of Poitiers. He was succeeded in his titles and pretensions by his sister Isabella and her sons. As he had left Greece, his eldest surviving nephewSohier d'Enghien was holding the lordship ofArgos and Nauplia . When the inheritance was divided after Walter VI's death, Isabella's sixth son Guy d'Enghien received the small remnants of that Greek lordship.Isabella III survived his brother and died 1360. Her husband Gauthier d'Enghien had died in 1345. For a few years, she became Countess of Lecce and Brienne, etc., as well as titular Duchess of Athens and of other claimed titles. Since her eldest son Gauthier had died before Walter, her heir was her second son Sohier of Enghien. She allowed her inherited lands to be divided between her numerous children during her own lifetime (see
Brienne claim to the Kingdom of Jerusalem for her descendants).The "Duke of Athens" who appears in the seventh tale of Day Two of the
Decameron as one of the nine lovers of the Sultan of Babylon's daughter, while not historically accurate, is probably a satirical allusion to Walter VI - his brief, but unforgettable dictatorship in Florence occurred less than ten years before the writing of the Decameron.References
*(R.P./N.S.) Adapted from Ingeborg, Walter. s.v. Brienne, Gualtieri di. vol. 14.
*Dizionario biografico degli italiani, Roma: Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana, 1960. pp. 237-251; Schevill, Ferdinand.
*The History of Florence from the Founding of the City through the Renaissance, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1936. pp. 217-225.External links
* [http://www.brown.edu/Departments/Italian_Studies/dweb/history/characters/walter_iv.shtml Source File from "Brown University"]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.