

In mathematics, in the field of representation theory of Lie algebras, a coroot is a certain kind of element of a Cartan subalgebra of a complex semisimple Lie algebra "g".

The structure and representation theory of "g" is characterised by its root system. Given a root, α of a "g", there are associated to it two operators;




known as the raising and lowering operators respectively.

Their Lie bracket,

: H_{alpha} = [X_{alpha}, Y_{alpha}] is an element of the Cartan subalgebra.

These raising and lowering operators are determined only up to scalar multipliers. It is often useful to set their lengths so as to form a subalgebra isomorphic to

:"sl"(2, C),

the Lie algebra of the special linear group, of dimension 3.

Once this has been done

: H_{alpha}

is the "coroot" associated to α (French "copoid").

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