Shenzhou 4

Shenzhou 4

Infobox Space mission
mission_name = "Shenzhou 4" (神舟四号)
crew_members = unmanned
launch_pad = Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center
launch = December 29, 2002 16:40 UTC
landing = January 5, 2003 11:16 UTC
Inner Mongolia
next = "Shenzhou 5"
previous = "Shenzhou 3"
duration = 6 days 18 hours 36 minutes
orbits = 108
NSSDC ID = 2002-061A

"Shenzhou 4" (Chinese: 神舟四号) launched on December 29, 2002, was the fourth unmanned launch of the Chinese Shenzhou spacecraft. Carried on board were two dummy astronauts to test the life support systems.

The spacecraft was equipped for a manned flight, even featuring a sleeping bag, food and medication. The windows were constructed of a new material that was designed to stay clear even after reentry to allow an astronaut to confirm that the parachutes have deployed properly. It was said that the spacecraft flown on "Shenzhou 4" had no major differences to that used on "Shenzhou 5". It flew with the ability for manual control and emergency landing, systems needed for a manned flight. A week before the launch, astronauts trained in the spacecraft to familiarise themselves with its systems.

Initially the spacecraft was in a 198 km by 331 km orbit inclined 42.4°. This was raised to 330 km by 337 km at 23:35 UTC on December 29. Also on January 4 and January 5 several smaller manoeuvres are thought to have taken place. The rate of orbital decay seemed higher after January 1 suggesting that the orbital module's solar panels may have been deployed for the first time. Compared to "Shenzhou 3" the orbital period of "Shenzhou 4" was much more tightly bounded with smaller manoeuvres.

The launch of "Shenzhou 4" was watched by officials including Chairman of the National People's Congress Li Peng; Vice Premier and member of the Politburo Standing Committee Wu Bangguo; Jia Qinglin, also a member of the Standing Committee; Cao Gangchuan, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission; Song Jian, vice-chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference; and Li Jinai, head of the General Armament Department of the People's Liberation Army.

The spacecraft carried 100 peony seeds to investigate the effect of weightlessness on plants grown from them. The 52 experiments onboard investigated areas in physics, biology, medicine, earth observation, material science and astronomy.

Four tracking ships were used for the missionone off the coast of South Africa in the South Atlantic Ocean, one in the Indian Ocean near Western Australia, one in the North Pacific Ocean south of Japan, and one in the South Pacific Ocean west of New Zealand.

The reentry module landed safely on about 40 km from Hohhot in Inner Mongolia. As with previous flights, the command for reentry to begin was given by a tracking ship off the coast of South Africa. It was thought before the flight that the Chinese could attempt a water landing to test the emergency system but this did not eventuate. The orbital module remained in orbit until September 9, 2003.

ee also

*Shenzhou spacecraft
*Long March rocket


*cite news|url=|title="Shenzhou 4" May Rocket Into Space In September|publisher=SpaceDaily|date=July 1, 2002
*cite news|url=|title=China launches "Shenzhou 4"|publisher=Spaceflight Now|date=December 29, 2002
*cite news|url=|title=Senior Chinese leaders watch spacecraft launch|publisher=Xinhua News Agency|date=2002-12-30
*cite news|url=|title="Shenzhou 4" Strictly Identical with Manned Spacecraft: General Director|publisher=People's Daily|date=December 31 2003
*cite news|url=|title=China's "Shenzhou 4" Working Well||date=2 January 2003
*cite news|url=|title=Chinese "Shenzhou 4" capsule returns to Earth|publisher=Spaceflight Now|date=5 January 2003
*cite news|url=|title=China's unmanned spaceship lands|publisher=Xinhua News Agency|date=2003-01-05
* [ "Shenzhou 4" Unmanned Spaceflight Mission] "Chinese Defence Today". Accessed 23 July, 2005.
* [ "Shenzhou 4" notes] . Accessed 23 July, 2005.
* [ Jonathan's Space Report No. 492] . Accessed 23 July, 2005.

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