Quivira National Wildlife Refuge

Quivira National Wildlife Refuge

Quivira National Wildlife Refuge is located in south central Kansas near the town of Stafford. It lies mostly in northeastern Stafford County, but small parts extend into southwestern Rice and northwestern Reno Counties. Its proximity to the Central Flyway migration route and the salt marshes on the refuge combine to endow the refuge with a large variety of birds. Many of these birds are uncommon in other parts of Kansas or even the central part of the continent.

On January 29, 2008, Quivira NWR and Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area were jointly named as one of the 8 Wonders of Kansas.

Quivira - City of Gold

The name "Quivira" derives from a fabled American Indian city of gold. In 1541 Coronado traveled north into the plains of Kansas searching for this city of gold. He spent a month with the Quiviran Indians but returned to New Mexico without ever finding the gold.

easonal Bird Highlights

pring and Summer

Shorebirds, Pelicans, and gulls stop over at the refuge en route to their Spring nesting grounds. Plovers, Avocets, Stilts, Ibis, and endangered Least Terns nest on the refuge during the spring and summer.


500,000 geese and ducks pass through Quivira NWR in route to the Gulf Coast and Mexico. Endangered Whooping Cranes occasionally visit the refuge on their way to their wintering grounds in Texas.


Both Bald and Golden Eagles spend the winter on the refuge.


These species have all been seen on rare occasions on the refuge:
*Great Flamingo
*Surf Scoter
*Greater Roadrunner
*Pileated Woodpecker
*Roseate Spoonbill


External links

* U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service: [http://quivira.fws.gov official site]
** [http://www.fws.gov/quivira/AutoTourmap.jpgmap of refuge]
* [http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/ Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center]
** [http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/birds/chekbird/r6/quivira.htm bird list]
* [http://www.placeopedia.com/?18036 Placeopedia]
* Jerry's Photo & Imaging Quivira Album [http://jerrysfoto.com/Quivira-album/index.html]

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