

Fulla or Fylla is, in Norse mythology, an ásynja. Her name is related to the adjective "fullr", meaning "full." By Snorri Sturluson in "Gylfaginning", she is described as follows:

From this description, she appears to be something of a handmaid to Frigg – which is also true for Gná and Hlín, two other ásynjur. Later in the same work – when Hermóðr unsuccessfully tries to retrieve the murdered god Baldr and his wife Nanna from Hel – it is related that "Nanna sent Frigg a kerchief and other gifts, and to Fulla she sent a golden finger-ring." ("Nanna sendi Frigg rifti ok enn fleiri gjafar. Fullu fingrgull.")

Fulla also appear in some kennings. According to "Skáldskaparmál", "höfuðband Fullu" (ribbon of Fulla) is a kenning for gold. A more garbled example is found in "Gísla saga": "Fulla of rain of spear-shafts hall" ("Fals hallar /skal/ Fulla fagrleit"), which breaks down to simply meaning woman. [http://www.wyrdwords.vispa.com/goddesses/goddessfaq.html#Fulla1]

The Old High German "Merseburg Incantations" mentions a "Uolla" or "Volla", and calls her the sister of "Friia" or "Frija" (in German paganism, Freyja and Frigg were identical). That Fulla is the sister of Frigg does not appear in the Norse literature.

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