Canale Villoresi

Canale Villoresi

Canale Villoresi is a canal in Italy; it was the brainchild of Lombardy engineer Eugenio Villoresi.

It originates from the River Ticino near the village of Somma Lombardo, and runs westwards for 86 km to the Adda River.

Construction began in 1877, but Villoresi himself died two years later. The works were completed in 1890 by a consortium.

Irrigation was the canal's main reason for being but the addition of locks enabled cargoes of sand to be carried along it.


This is a translation from Italian of the [ Villoresi article 'Canale Villoresi' on the Italian Wikipedia] .

Further reading

*cite book|first=Lorenzo|last=Del Felice|coauthors=Roberta Valtorta|title=Canali e Opere nell'Est Ticino-Villoresi|publisher=Guerini e Associati|year=1997|id=ISBN 88-7802-829-0 it icon

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