Atherton Antechinus

Atherton Antechinus


image_caption =
status = NT
trend = stable
status_system = iucn3.1
status_ref = IUCN2008 | assessors = Burnett, S. & Winter, J.| year = 2008 | title = Antechinus godmani | id = 1583|downloaded=09 October 2008]
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Mammalia
infraclassis = Marsupialia
ordo = Dasyuromorphia
familia = Dasyuridae
genus = "Antechinus"
species = "A. godmani"
binomial = "Antechinus godmani"
binomial_authority = Thomas, 1923

The Atherton Antechinus ("Antechinus godmani"), also known as Godman's Antechinus, is a species of small carnivorous marsupial native to Australia. It is one of the rarest members of its genus, and differs from other antechinuses in its more rufous body colour and small eyes.cite book | last = Menkhorst | first = Peter | year = 2001 | title = A Field Guide to the Mammals of Australia | publisher = Oxford University Press | pages = 54]


The Atherton Antechinus was first described in 1923 by Oldfield Thomas. For many years, it was regarded as a subspecies of the Yellow-footed Antechinus ("A. flavipes").

A member of the dasyurid family, the Atherton Antechinus is a member of the genus "Antechinus", of which it is one of the most restricted members.


The Atherton Antechinus is a dull brown colour, and is among the largest of the antechinuses. The species has an almost naked tail.Citation|last=Van Dyck|first=S.M.|contribution=Atherton Antechinus|title=The Mammals of Australia|year=1995|publisher=Reed Books|pages=89-90|editor-first=Ronald|editor-last=Strahan]

The Atherton Antechinus believed to be mostly nocturnal or crepuscular, and feeds mostly on terrestrial invertebrates. The mating season is July-August, after which all of the males die.

Distribution and habitat

The Atherton Antechinus is restricted to a 130km region of rainforest between Mt Bellenden Ker and Cardwell, in northeastern Queensland. It builds nests in tree hollows or litter of epiphyte. It is not well-known.


External links

* [ Photo of Atherton Antechinus]

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