Hexagrammos lagocephalus

Hexagrammos lagocephalus

name = Rock Greenling
status = LC

image_width = 240px
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Scorpaeniformes
familia = Hexagrammidae
genus = "Hexagrammos"
species = "H. lagocephalus"
binomial = "Hexagrammos lagocephalus"
binomial_authority = Pallas, 1810)

"Hexagrammos lagocephalus" is a colorful marine fish with the common name Rock Greenling in the Greenling family.cite book |title=The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes, Whales & Dolphins |publisehr=Chanticleer Press |year=1983 |pages=725] cite book |title=Pacific Coast Inshore Fishes |publisehr=Sea Challengers |year=1981 |pages=50] It is sometimes known as Fringed Greenling and erroneously as the red rock trout.cite book |title=Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest |publisher=Harbour Publishing CO. LTD. |year=1986 |pages=128]


The fish is maroon, with blue spot that fade to bright red.cite book |title=The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes, Whales & Dolphins |publisehr=Chanticleer Press |year=1983 |pages=725] The color pattern helps it blend in with its natural environment. It grows to up to 24 inches (60 cm).cite book |title=Pacific Coast Inshore Fishes |publisehr=Sea Challengers |year=1981 |pages=50] Most adult have blue mouths,cite book |title=Peterson Field Guide: Pacific Coast Fishes |publisher=Houghton Mifflin Company |year=1983 |pages=155-156] while the young have bright red eyes.cite book |title=Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest |publisher=Harbour Publishing CO. LTD. |year=1986 |pages=128]


The species is usually solitary, but not aggressive, which has led to easy husbandry in public aquariums. It is sometimes cryptic however and often elusive to divers and spear fishermen as they prefer living among the rock in the heavy surge.cite book |title=Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest |publisher=Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd. |year=1986 |pages=128]


The Hexagrammos lagocephalus is a generalized feeder, eating everything from invertebrates such as crabs and isopods to fish eggs and algae. When young the fish eats zooplankton.


The Rock Greenling's natural distribution is along the Pacific Coast from Alaska's Bering Sea to the coast of south California. Its habitat of choice is rocky shoreline.cite book |title=Pacific Coast Inshore Fishes |publisehr=Sea Challengers |year=1981 |pages=50] Sometimes however they can be found in tidepools, and sometimes sandy areas.cite book |title=Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest |publisher=Harbour Publishing CO. LTD. |year=1986 |pages=128]

Economic value

Not commonly commersially fished like the related lingcod, although a popular gamefish. Most live among areas impossible to fish by commercial boats.cite book |title=Coastal Fishes of the Pacific Northwest |publisher=Harbour Publishing CO. LTD. |year=1986 |pages=128] It is commonly caught by sport fishers off exposed rocky shores.cite book |title=Peterson Field Guide: Pacific Coast Fishes |publisher=Houghton Mifflin Company |year=1983 |pages=155-156]


External links

* [http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/speciesSummary.php?ID=4033&genusname=Hexagrammos&speciesname=lagocephalus Hexagrammos lagocephalus at Fishbase]

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