chem — chem·a·ku·an; chem·a·kum; chem·e·hue·vi; chem·i·at·ric; chem·i·cal·i·za·tion; chem·i·cal·ize; chem·i·cal·ly; chem·i·graph; chem·i·sette; chem·ism; chem·i·sorb; chem·i·sorp·tion; chem·ist; chem·is·try; chem·my; chem·nitz; chem·osmosis;… … English syllables
Chem-Dry — Logo Chem Dry is a carpet cleaning franchise chain based in Logan, Utah. When is was founded in 1977 it was originally based in California.,Chem Dry[1] began franchising in 1978 and now has over 4000 locations[2] worldwide, including in the… … Wikipedia
Chem-Mod — is a corporation that has developed the Chem Mod technology. Chem Mod uses a system of two sorbents: a liquid that oxidizes or traps mercury on its surface, and a powder that captures SO2 and heavy metals. In addition to being more effective, its … Wikipedia
Chem Widhya — (born 6 December 1958 in Phnom Penh,Cambodia) is the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Cambodia (rank of a Minister since September 2009) to Germany, Cyprus (2009), Czech Republic, Malta (2008–2010), Poland and Slovenia. Education Dr. Chem holds a… … Wikipedia
Chem-e-car — is an annual college competition for students majoring in Chemical Engineering. In this competition, students must design small scale automobiles that operate by chemical means, along with a poster describing their research. During the… … Wikipedia
Chem — may refer to: Chemistry In Ancient Egyptian usage: Khem (also spelt Chem), the Egyptian word for black Min (god), in the past erroneously named Khem CHEM may refer to : A metabolic panel: for instance, CHEM 7, which is the basic metabolic… … Wikipedia
Chem Widhya — (* 6. Dezember 1958 in Phnom Penh) ist ein kambodschanischer Diplomat. Widhya studierte am Institut für Internationale Beziehungen in Potsdam Babelsberg und schloss mit magna cum laude ab. In der Folgezeit war er ein enger Mitarbeiter des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
chem- — Chem , vor Konsonanten auch chemi , Chemi , chemo , Chemo [Chmie]: Bestimmungswort von Zus., die sich auf chemische Sachverhalte beziehen … Universal-Lexikon
Chem- — Chem , vor Konsonanten auch chemi , Chemi , chemo , Chemo [Chmie]: Bestimmungswort von Zus., die sich auf chemische Sachverhalte beziehen … Universal-Lexikon
chem... — chem..., Chem... [ç...] vgl. ↑chemo..., Chemo … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
chem´i|cal|i|za´tion — chem|i|cal|ize «KEHM uh kuh lyz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to treat with a chemical or chemicals: »The loaf we buy at the grocer s has been chemicalized, first by the miller and then by the baker (Atlantic). –chem´i|cal|i|za´tion, noun … Useful english dictionary