Willy Lindström

Willy Lindström

Willy Lindström (born May 5, 1951, in Grums, Sweden) is a Swedish former ice hockey player for the Winnipeg Jets, Edmonton Oilers and Pittsburgh Penguins. In Sweden he played for Västra Frölunda HC and Brynäs IF. He won two Stanley Cups with the Edmonton Oilers in 1984 and 1985.

In 1975 Willy signed a contract as free agent with Winnipeg Jets in WHA. Willy was one of the top scorers in WHA four years in a row. In March 1983 Willy was traded to Edmonton Oilers for the player Laurie Boschman.

Willy Lindström has a son Liam Lindström who plays for the Phoenix Roadrunners of the ECHL and is God son to Wayne Gretzky.


* Stanley Cup winner 1984, 1985
* WC-bronze 1974, 1975
* MVP in WHA All-Star Game 1977

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