

Shecaniah - "one intimate with God".

(1.) A priest to whom the tenth lotcame forth when David divided the priests (1 Chr. 24:11).

(2.) One of the priests who were set "to give to theirbrethren by courses" of the daily portion (2 Chr. 31:15).

Shechani'ah, id. (1.) A priest whose sons are mentioned in 1Chr. 3:21, 22.

(2.) Ezra 8:5.

(3.) Ezra 10:2-4.

(4.) The father of Shemaiah, who repaired the wall of
Jerusalem (Neh. 3:29).

(5.) The father-in-law of Tobiah (Neh. 6:18).

(6.) A priest who returned from the Captivity with Zerubbabel(Neh. 12:3; marg., or Shebaniah).

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