Gabriela Dudeková

Gabriela Dudeková

Gabriela Dudeková (born April 5, 1968 in Hurbanovo) is a Slovak historian.

Dudeková lives and works in Bratislava and Nitra. She has a degree in history from the Comenius University in Bratislava (1991). She completed her PhD degree in 2001 with the dissertation "Social policy of Hungary in late 19th and early 20th century and the social reform work of Georg Schulpe". She prepared the Slovak part of the Comparative non-profit sector project of The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.She works in the Institute of Historical Studies of Slovak Academy of Sciences. She is an author of articles and papers, co-author and author of the books. She regularly contributes to the topics of her interest on the scientific conferences in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Italy. In 2005, she was awarded the Moritz Csaky Award by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Her study concentrates on social policy of Hungary in 1868–1918, situation of prisoners of war, propaganda and the life of civilists in World War I, social care and social situation in area of Slovakia in the 19th century until 1918, gender studies and history of feminism.

Main works

* 1991 - "Sociológ Juraj Schulpe a jeho činnosť. Príspevok k sociálnym dejinám. (Diplomová práca)" (Sociologist Juraj Schulpe and his work. A contribution to the social history (Theses)). [ Comenius University 1991. ]
* 1994 - "Juraj Schulpe, Vedec a humanista" (Juraj Schulpe, Scientist and humanist)." Bratislava, YMCA 1994.
* 1997 - "Słowacki ruch narodowy w kontekście procesów narodowotwórczych w Europie" (Slovak national movement in the context of nationalist processes in Europe), In: [ Fenomen nowoczesnego nacjonalizmu w Europie Środkowej, pod red. Bernarda Linka, Jorga Lüera, Kaia Struvego, Opole 1997, ISBN 83-7126-096-2]
* 1997 - "Z minulosti združovania na Slovensku, historické pozadie tretieho sektoru" (From the History of Associations in Slovakia, Historical Background of the Third Sector), The Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, Bratislava: SPACE (working paper), 1997
* 1998 - "Dobrovoľné združovanie na Slovensku v minulosti" (Voluntary organizationis in Slovak history). [ SPACE Bratislava, 1998.]
* 1999 - "Sociálne aspekty vojnového hospodárstva" (Social aspects of the war economy). In: [ Podrimavský M., Kováč D. (Ed.).: Slovensko na začiatku 20. storočia. Historický Ústav SAV, Bratislava 1999.]
* 2002 - "Die Slowakei – ein Fokus für transnationale Geschichtsforschung?" (Slovakia - Focus on trans-national historic research?), AHF Munich, 2002.
* 2003 - "Sozialgeschichte in der Slowakei – Eine Bilanz und neue Impulse" (Social History in Slovakia, An account and the new impulses), in: [ Bohemia 44 (2003) 2. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder. Collegium Carolinum, Berlin 2003.]
* 2004 - "Sociálne dejiny 19. a 20. storočia na Slovensku" (Social History of 19th and 20th Century in Slovakia) In: [ Historický časopis, year 52/2, Bratislava 2004]
* 2007 - "Der 'barmherzige Wohltäter' und der 'bedürftige Arme'. Stereotypen der Armut und Wohltätigkeit im 19. und am Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts" (The warm-hearted patron and the needy poor. Stereotypes of the poverty and charity in the 19th and early 20th Centuries) In: [ Hahn, Hans Henning, Mannová, Elena (Ed.): Nationale Wahrnehmungen und ihre Stereotypisierung. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2007, ISBN 978-3-631-50445-1]

External links

* [ Slovak Academy of Sciences]
* [ Voluntary organizationis in Slovak history, e-book]
* [ Die Slowakei – ein Fokus für transnationale Geschichtsforschung? On-line article]

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