localizer — [lō′kəl īz΄ər] n. a directional radio beam sent from the beginning of the runway and used to align an incoming airplane * * * … Universalium
localizer — [lō′kəl īz΄ər] n. a directional radio beam sent from the beginning of the runway and used to align an incoming airplane … English World dictionary
Localizer — Abbildung der Sendekeulen von Localizer und Glideslopes Das Instrumentenlandesystem (engl. instrument landing system, ILS) ist ein bodenbasiertes System, das den Piloten eines Flugzeuges bei Anflug und Landung mittels zweier Leitstrahlen,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
localizer — An element in the instrument landing system (ILS) located approximately 1000 ft (300 m) beyond the upwind end of the runway and generally in line with the centerline. It indicates the extended centerline of the runway and the approach path onto… … Aviation dictionary
localizer — kurso radijo švyturys statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. course radiobeacon; localizer vok. Landekurssender, m rus. курсовой маяк, m; курсовой радиомаяк, m pranc. radiobalise de guidage d atterrissage, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
localizer — kurso radijo švyturys statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kryptinis radijo švyturys, leidžiantis nustatyti orlaivio šoninį nuokrypį iš anksto nustatytos galutinio artėjimo tūpti krypties atžvilgiu. atitikmenys: angl. localizer pranc. radiophare… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Localizer Type Directional Aid — is of a comparable accuracy and use to the Localizer, except that LDA is not aligned with the runway. If the alignment is not greater than 30 degrees, straight in approach minima may be published. Circling minima only are published when alignment … Wikipedia
localizer offset — An angular offset of the localizer from the runway extended centerline in a direction away from the no transgression zone that increases the normal operating zone. An offset requires an increase of 50 ft (15 m) in decision height and is not… … Aviation dictionary
Localizer (fictional device) — A localizer is a fictional device in the works of Vernor Vinge, such as A Deepness in the Sky . These are tiny devices, powered by microwave pulses, which can contain a simple processor, sensors, and short range communications. Vinge explores how … Wikipedia
localizer mode, LOC mode — The operating position of an autopilot in which an aircraft is automatically positioned and held at the center of the localizer course … Aviation dictionary