- Schoen-Yau conjecture
mathematics , the Schoen-Yau conjecture is a disproved conjecture inhyperbolic geometry , named after themathematician sRichard Schoen andShing-Tung Yau .It was inspired by a theorem of
Erhard Heinz (1952). One method of disproof is the use ofScherk surface s, as used by Harold Rosenberg and Pascal Collin (2006).etting and statement of the conjecture
Let mathbb{C} be the
complex plane considered as aRiemannian manifold with its usual (flat) Riemannian metric. Let mathbb{H} denote thehyperbolic plane , i.e. theunit disc :mathbb{H} := { (x, y) in mathbb{R}^{2} | x^{2} + y^{2} < 1 }
endowed with the hyperbolic metric
:mathrm{d}s^2 = 4 frac{mathrm{d} x^{2} + mathrm{d} y^{2{(1 - (x^{2} + y^{2}))^2}.
E. Heinz proved in 1952 that there can exist no harmonic
diffeomorphism :f : mathbb{H} o mathbb{C}.
In light of this theorem, Schoen conjectured that there exists no harmonic diffeomorphism
:g : mathbb{C} o mathbb{H}.
(It is not clear how Yau's name became associated with the conjecture: in unpublished correspondence with Harold Rosenberg, both Schoen and Yau identify Schoen as having postulated the conjecture). The Schoen(-Yau) conjecture has since been disproved.
It should be noted that the emphasis is on the existence or non-existence of an "harmonic" diffeomorphism, and that this property is a "one-way" property. In more detail: suppose that we consider two Riemannian manifolds "M" and "N" (with their respective metrics), and write
:M sim N,
if there exists a diffeomorphism from "M" onto "N" (in the usual terminology, "M" and "N" are diffeomorphic). Write
:M propto N
if there exists an harmonic diffeomorphism from "M" onto "N". It is not difficult to show that sim (being diffeomorphic) is an
equivalence relation on the objects of the category of Riemannian manifolds. In particular, sim is asymmetric relation ::M sim N iff N sim M.
It can be shown that the hyperbolic plane and (flat) complex plane are indeed diffeomorphic:
:mathbb{H} sim mathbb{C},
so the question is whether or not they are "harmonically diffeomorphic". However, as the truth of Heinz's theorem and the falsity of the Schoen-Yau conjecture demonstrate, propto is not a symmetric relation:
:mathbb{C} propto mathbb{H} mbox{ but } mathbb{H} ot propto mathbb{C}.
Thus, being "harmonically diffeomorphic" is a much stronger property than simply being diffeomorphic, and can be a "one-way" relation.
* cite journal
last = Heinz
first = Erhard
title = Über die Lösungen der Minimalflächengleichung
journal = Nachr. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen. Math.-Phys. Kl. Math.-Phys.-Chem. Abt.
volume = 1952
year = 1952
pages = 51–56
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