

Infobox Book |
name = Physik

image_caption = Cover art for "Physik" by Angie Sage
author = Angie Sage
illustrator =
cover_artist = Mark Zug
country = United Kingdom
language = English
series = Septimus Heap (Book 3)
genre = Fantasy novel
publisher = HarperCollins and Bloomsbury Publishing
release_date = March 2007
media_type = Print (Hardcover & Paperback)
pages = 544 pp (Paperback)
isbn = ISBN 978-0-7475-8761-3 (UK Paperback)
preceded_by = Flyte
followed_by = Queste

"Physik" is the third book in the Septimus Heap series written by Angie Sage. It is the sequel to "Flyte". The novel was released on March 28, 2007. The sequel of Physik is Queste. The cover of this book is based on the in-story book: "I, Marcellus" with a vial of the Eternal life formula on top of it.

Plot summary

In Physik we find that when Silas Heap and Gringe the gatekeeper accidentally sets free the spirit of an evil Queen Etheldredda, everything seems to be in trouble. The Queen sends Septimus to her 500 year old son Marcellus Pye who drank the potion of Immortality. The old Marcellus then sends him back in time to the young Marcellus Pye and there Septimus becomes his apprentice and learns about Physik. Marcia learns about Septimus' departure from Marcellus's book "I Marcellus" in the Wizard Tower library, when she finds a page, 500 years old with Septimus's writing in it.

Jenna and Nicko, with Alther Mella and Alice Nettles help try to find Septimus. They meet Snorri Snorrelssen, a Northern Trader girl. Together they fall off through a glass into the past 500 years back. There Jenna is mistaken for the lost princess Esmeralda and dragged to her mother, the living Queen Etheldredda. She somehow manages to run and finds Septimus. Together all of them try to pass back through the doors of time, but Etheldredda and Marcellus come in arguing about when can the Queen have the Drink of Immortality. Although Marcellus warns the Queen that the drink is incomplete, she nevertheless drinks it.

They then discover Jenna and the others hiding in hte Alchemie Chamber and Etheldredda drags Jenna to drown her but in the process she herself gets drowned. Since she drank the incomlete potion her spirit has an incomplete formn neither rending it immortality nor, a complete Spirit. Septimus, Jenna and Nicko then starts their journey through the Doors of Time but Nicko runs away in search of Snorri and her cat Ullr.

Septimus and Jenna return to the Castle, much to Marcia's delight. But Etheldredda's ghost tries to kill Jenna with the "I.P (Infant Princess)" bullet that was named for Jenna by the Assassin in Magyk. She is about to shoot the bullet when Alice Nettles hurls herself in front of Jenna and the bullet kills her. Marcia then draws a BoneFyre from Spit Fyre's fire and destroys Etheldredda's portrait hence Etheldredda and her pet, the Aie-Aie, which had caused a Sicknesse all through the Castle, are finished. Septimus, with his Physik knowledge is able to brew up an antidote for the Sicknesse and soon all is well. He promises to make a potion for Restoring youth for Marcellus and in return Marcellus would give him back his Flyte charm.


The Heaps

*Septimus He

*Jenna He

*Nicko He

*Silas & Sarah He

Other Characters

*Snorri Snorrelssen: A fourteen year old Spirit-Seer who is a Northern Trader. Her father Olaf Snorrelssen frequents The Hole in the Wall. At the end of the book she was 500 years ago in the past.
*Ullr: Snorri's cat, also a Spirit-Seer, at night transforms into a panther, otherwise known as NightUllr.
*Marcia Overstrand: Current ExtraOrdinary wizard. Marcia goes on a search of Septimus and destroys the evil queen Etheldredda's spirit.
*Alther Mella: ex-ExtraOrdianry wizard, Alther's ghost is always willing to help Jenna and Marcia to find Septimus.
*The RatStranglers: A group of villagers that daily go out to kill rats because they believed they carried the Sicknesse. They tried to destroy the dragon boat because they also thought that it also carried the Sicknesse but before they could Jenna sealed it with SpitFyre's Fyre.
*Marcellus Pye: An ancient alchemist from 500 years ago, is still alive in Septimus's Time but older. His mother is Queen Etheldredda and he is terrified of her.
*Sir Hereward: A ghost in both Times and helped Jenna and Septimus escape the castle from 500 years ago.
*Queen Etheldredda: Jenna's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great (And then some) grandmother. She is a cruel and evil tyrant with a history of filicide. Her attempt at eternal life cause her to be trapped in between both life and death, leaving her in a form of half-life.
*Princess Esmeralda: The daughter of Queen Etheldredda, who regarded her as a threat rather than as a daughter.
*The Aie-Aie: A horrible little creature with a ratty face, sharp claws and a long snake's tail. Its bite caused Sicknesse. It only has one tooth while rats (supposedly the cause of the sicknesse) have many teeth.
*Stanley: An ex-message rat who now is in the secret rat service.
*Dawnie: Stanley's Wife who gets extremely worried about Stanley.


External links

* [ Septimus Heap official website]

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