List of Exalted sourcebooks

List of Exalted sourcebooks

Below is a listing of all of the sourcebooks for the role-playing game Exalted (first and second editions) by White Wolf Publishing. Check back for regular updates as new sourcebooks become available. For a listing of novels, see the List of Exalted Novels and for a list of their comics by UDON, see the List of Exalted comics.

1st Edition (2001-2006)

# "Exalted Limited Edition": The core rulebook, a making of booklet and a CD containing a very limited character generator. (WW8899, July 2001)
# "Exalted" (by White Wolf Publishing): The core rulebook, detailing the setting and history of the world, and presenting rules for playing Solar Exalted. (WW8800, August 2001)
# "Exalted Storyteller's Companion" (by Heather Grove, Dean Shomshank, and Adam Tinworth): One of the early supplements detailing the Scarlet Empire, (early versions of) Celestial Exalted, Spirits and Spirit Courts, and other wonders. (WW8801, August 2001)
# "Scavenger Sons" (by Justin Achilli, John Snead, and Scott Taylor): This supplement gives a general description of the different areas of the Threshold, specifically the North, the East, the South, the West, the Scavenger Lands, Nexus and has appendixes on groups and organizations in the Threshold, and the Fair Folk. (WW8820, August 2001)
# "The Book of Three Circles" (by White Wolf Publishing): The first version of a book detailing sorcery in the world of Exalted. The book contains sorcerous spells for Terrestrial, Celestial and Solar Circle spells, as well as other works of wonder, details on demesnes, manses and hearthstones, and an appendix on War Striders. (WW8802, September 2001)
# "Caste Book: Dawn" (by John Snead and Dawn Elliott): A book outlining the Dawn Caste for Solar Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Dawn Caste Solars, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Dace. (WW8830, November 2001)
# "Time of Tumult" (by White Wolf Publishing): This supplement contains four adventures for the world of Exalted, as well as further artifacts, charms and initial details on the Alchemical Exalted. (WW8821, January 2002)
# "Caste Book: Zenith" (by Steve Kenson and David Wendt): A book outlining the Zenith Caste for Solar Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Zenith Caste Solars, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Panther. (WW8831, February 2002)
# "Exalted: The Dragon-Blooded" (by White Wolf Staff, Brian Armor, Hal Mangold, and James Maliszewski): The first hardcover sourcebook (or "fatsplat"), detailing the Terrestrial Exalted (or Dragon-Blooded), the weakest of the Exalted, and the Realm they govern. (WW8811, April, 2002)
# "Savage Seas" (by Robert J. Defendi, Dan Quackenbush, and Scott Taylor): This book details seafaring in the world of Exalted, outlining the day-to-day on the tides, sailing technology and maritime trades, plus creatures, gods, charms and artifacts all related to seafaring. (WW8822, June 2002)
# "Caste Book: Twilight" (by Genevieve Cogman and Dawn Elliott): A book outlining the Twilight Caste for Solar Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Twilight Caste Solars, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Arianna. (WW8832, July 2002)
# "Games of Divinity" (by Michael Kessler, John Snead, and R. Sean Borgstrom): An important sourcebook for material on gods, elementals, demons and spirit charms. (WW8823, August 2002)
# "Caste Book: Night" (by Brian Schoner and John Snead): A book outlining the Night Caste for Solar Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Night Caste Solars, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Harmonious Jade. (WW8833, October 2002)
# "Exalted: The Lunars" (by Bryan Armor, Chris Hartford, James Kiley, and Malcolm Sheppard): A sourcebook detailing the culture and game mechanics of the bestial and savage Lunar characters and the barbarian tribes they associate with, as well as information on the Wyld, a zone of chaos that rings the world. (WW8812, November 2002)
# "Creatures of the Wyld" (by White Wolf Publishing): A bestiary for Exalted, covering a number of creatures from each of the elemental directions (North, East, South and West) and the Scavenger Lands. (WW8803, January 2003)
# "Caste Book: Eclipse" (by White Wolf Publishing): A book outlining the Eclipse Caste for Solar Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Eclipse Caste Solars, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Swan. (WW8834, February 2003)
# "Exalted: The Abyssals" (by Richard E. Dansky, Dawn Elliot, Michael Kessler, and Michael Goodwin): A sourcebook for Abyssal Exalted, ghost characters, the Underworld and a brief history of the Deathlords. (WW8813, April 2003)
# "Ruins of Rathess" (by James Maliszewski and John Snead): A sourcebook for the city of Rathess, once the pinnacle of the Dragon Kings' civilization. This book outlines the history of the Dragon Kings, the city of Rathess and its vicinity, stalkers, gods and other foes, and rewards to be found in Rathess. (WW8824, May 2003)
# "Manacle and Coin" (by John Snead, Geoff Grabowski, Malcolm Sheppard, and Ian Eller): This book on the economy of the world of Exalted gives specific information on The Guild, its history and structure, drugs - the soft trade, slaves - the hard trade, plus money and finance in Creation. (WW8825, July 2003)
# "Aspect Book: Air" (by B. D. Flory and W. Van Meter): A book outlining the Air Aspected Terrestrial Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Air Aspected Dragon-Bloods, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Tepet Arada. (WW8840, August 2003)
# "Exalted: The Sidereals" (by Bryan Armor, Rebecca Borgstrom, Geoffrey C. Grabowski, and Steve Kenson): A sourcebook for Sidereal Exalted characters, including details on the Heavenly city of Yu-Shan. (WW8814, October 2003)
# "Kingdom of Halta" (by Matthew McFarland and John Snead): This book details the Kingdom of Halta, magical beings of Halta, plus beasts, manses and sundry wonders. (WW8826, December 2003)
# "Exalted: The Outcaste" (by White Wolf and White Wolf Publishing Inc): This book contains valuable information on those Dragon-Blooded who are not born to the scions of the Realm, but serve other powers or none at all. This book outlines Lookshy and the Seventh Legion, Eos and Ossia, the Forest Witches and Lost Eggs. (WW8850, January 2004)
# "Blood & Salt" (by Geoff Grabowski, Genevieve Cogman, Ian Eller, and Michael Kessler): Blood & Salt fills in the gaps that Savage Seas did not cover, mainly An-Teng, the Lintha Family and more gods and monsters. (WW8827, March 2004)
# "Exalted Player's Guide" (by White Wolf and White Wolf Publishing Inc): Primarily a sourcebook for creatures of lesser power than the Exalted and another supplement that fleshes out the world of Exalted, this book covers merits and flaws, the God-Blooded, Half Castes, mortal thaumaturgy, the Dragon Kings, Exalted power combat and details a writing system in the Age of Sorrows. (WW8804, April 2004)
# "Aspect Book: Earth" (by Eric Brennan, Michael Goodwin, Mur Lafferty, and Peter Schaeffer): A book outlining the Earth Aspected Terrestrial Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Earth Aspected Dragon-Bloods, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Mnemon, one of the daughters of the Scarlet Empress. (WW8841, June 2004)
# "Savant and Sorcerer" (by R. Sean Borgstrom, Adam Tinworth, and Scott Taylor): The latest version of material covering sorcery in the world of Exalted. This book explains magical theory, artifice and enchantment, puts further detail into demesnes and manses, outlines practical summonings and expands upon and revises spells, in addition to having an appendix covering War Striders in greater detail. (WW8805, July 2004)
# "Aspect Book: Fire" (by Kraig Blackwelder and Genevieve Cogman): A book outlining the Fire Aspected Terrestrial Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Fire Aspected Dragon-Bloods, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature characters, Cynis Denovah Avaku and Sesus Rafara. (WW8842, September 2004)
# "Houses of the Bull God" (by Michael Kessler, Geoffrey Skellams, Andrew Watt, and Voronica Whitney-Robinson): This supplement fleshes out the land of Harborhead, the Imperial Garrison in Harborhead, gods, monsters and manses in the area, and contains an appendix on the Court of the Orderly Flame. (WW8828, October 2004)
# "Exalted: The Fair Folk" (by Rebecca Borgstrom, Eric Brennan, Genevieve Cogman, and Michael Goodwin): A sourcebook for the Raksha, also called the Fair Folk, beings born of passion and myth amidst the Wyld. (WW8815, November 2004)
# "The Book of Bone and Ebony" (by Kraig Blackwelder, Genevieve Cogman, and Daniel Dover): This is a compendium of knowledge for those skilled in the art of Necromancy. This supplement contains information on the capital of the Underworld - the City of Stygia, arts of the dead, wonders of the dead, creations of bone, the three Circles of Necromancy (Shadowlands, Labyrinth and Void), and creatures of the Underworld. (WW8806, March 2005)
# "Aspect Book: Water" (by Ian Eller and John Snead): A book outlining the Water Aspected Terrestrial Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Water Aspected Dragon-Bloods, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature character, Peleps Deled. (WW8843, April 2005)
# "Cult of the Illuminated" (by Daniel Dover, Mur Lafferty, and Patrick O'Duffy): This book details the workings of the Gold Faction Sidereal organization known as the Cult of the Illuminated, explaining the workings of the outer circle, the inner circle, the training camps and giving more details on the Wyld Hunt. (WW8829, May 2005)
# "Exalted: The Autochthonians" (by Kraig Blackwelder, Michael Goodwin, John Snead, and Michael Kessler): A sourcebook detailing the parallel world of Autochthonia, and its artificially created champions, the Alchemical Exalted. (WW8816, May 2005)
# "Aspect Book: Wood" (by George Holochwost, Ellen P. Kiley, and Exalted): A book outlining the Wood Aspected Terrestrial Exalted. It contains the personal stories of five Wood Aspected Dragon-Bloods, plus new charms, artifacts and signature characters. It also includes information on the Exalted signature characters Sesus Nagezzer and Tepet Ejava "The Roseblack". (WW8844, August 2005)
# "Bastions of the North" (by "Exalted"): This supplement details the cities of Whitewall and Gethamane, as well as detailing the Haslanti League and contains an appendix on Swar - a First Age city under the loose control of the Raksha. (WW8807, November 2005)

2nd Edition (2006 - present)

#"Exalted: Second Edition" (by Alan Alexander, Rebecca Borgstrom, Carl Bowen, Michael Goodwin, John Snead and Andrew Watt): The core rulebook, detailing the setting and history of the world, and presenting rules for playing Solar Exalted. (WW80000, March 2006, ISBN 1-58846-684-1)
#"Exalted: Second Edition Storyteller's Companion" (by Alan Alexander, Zach Bush, Joseph Carriker, and Peter Schaefer): Details information about the various types of Exalted. Contains information about the military might of the major groups in creation. (WW80001, March 2006, ISBN 1-58846-685-X)
#"The Books of Sorcery, Vol. I: Wonders of the Lost Age" (by Alan Alexander, Kraig Blackwelder, Michael Goodwin, and John Snead): Rules relating to the artifacts of the first age which includes detailed rules for the use of War Striders. (WW80300, April 2006, ISBN 1-58846-691-4)
#"The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. I: The Scavenger Lands" (by Kraig Blackwelder, Genevieve Cogman, Daniel Dover, and Michael Kessler): Background information relating to Lookshy, Thorns, Nexus, and Greyfalls. (WW80200, June 2006, ISBN 1-58846-687-7)
#"The Manual of Exalted Power: The Dragon-Blooded" (by "Exalted"): A book detailing the Terrestrial Exalted. (WW80100, July 2006, ISBN 1-58846-688-4)
#"The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. I: The Blessed Isle" (by Carl Bowden, Joseph Carriker, Jess Hartley, and John Snead): Details information on the most important island in all Creation and the entities who live there. (WW80215, October 2006, 1-58846-690-6)
#"The Scroll of the Monk" (by Carl Bowen, Lydia Laurenson, Peter Schaefer, and Dustin Shampel): Details a series of martial arts styles and the feuds and rivalries of those who use them. (WW80310, November 2006, ISBN 1-58846-689-2)
#"The Books of Sorcery, Vol. II: White and Black Treatises" (by Joseph Carriker, Lydia Laurenson, Peter Schaefer, and Dustin Shampel): A tome that includes spells for sorcery and necromancy. Includes spells from 1st edition Exalted and some spells new to the Exalted game line. (WW80301, January 2007, 978-1-58846-692-1)
#"The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. II: The Wyld" (by Genevieve Cogman, Peter Schaefer, and John Snead): Details the Wyld, the kingdoms of the Fair Folk, and the rest of the chaos that exists outside of creation. (WW80216, March 2007, ISBN 978-158846-693-8)
#"The Manual of Exalted Power: The Lunars" (by Alan Alexander): A book detailing the Lunar Exalted, which, by comparison with the 1st ed Lunar book, expands their role in the Age of Sorrows. Explains the Lunar Thousand Streams River experiment. (WW80101, April 2007, ISBN 978-1-58846-694-5)
#"The Books of Sorcery, Vol. III: Oadenol's Codex" (by Conrad Hubbard, Lydia Laurenson, Peter Schaefer, Dustin Shampel, and John Snead): Contains expanded information on creating new Artifacts and Manses, as well as thaumaturgy rules. (WW80302, May 2007, ISBN 978-1-58846-695-2)
#"The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. II: The West" (by Alan Alexander, Eric Brennan, Genevieve Cogman, and Conrad Hubbard): Information on seafaring nations of Wavecrest, The Neck, Coral, and Skullstone; lost cities; and the three cultural groups of the Lintha family, the Tya, and the Delkani. (WW80201, July 2007, ISBN 978-1-58846-696-9)
#"The Manual of Exalted Power: The Sidereals": A book detailing the Sidereal Exalted and the workings of the Bureau of Destiny. Includes expanded information on how Sidereal conventions affect the Bureau's politics. (WW80102, September 2007, ISBN 978-1-58846-697-6)
#"The Books of Sorcery, Vol. IV: The Roll of Glorious Divinity I": Gods & Elementals. Focuses mainly on Terrestrial gods; Celestial gods are more comprehensively listed in Yu Shan.(WW80303, October 2007, ISBN 978-1-58846-698-3)
#"The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. III: Yu-Shan": A book detailing the heavenly realm of Yu-Shan and the Archipelago of Exiles in the West. Includes sections on the bureaucracy and geography of Exalted's heaven as well as prominent Celestial gods. Terrestial Gods are covered in Scrolls of Divinity. (WW80217, April 2008, ISBN 978-158846-610-5)
#"Scroll of Kings": A book entirely about mortal wars. Includes expanded Mass Combat Rules, rules for using firedust weapons, and naval combat rules. (WW80207, April 2008)
#"The Manual of Exalted Power: The Abyssals": A book detailing the Abyssal Exalted. Includes information on the Deathlords and Necrotech.(WW80002, April 2008)
#"Dreams of the First Age": Exalted box set, containing information on the setting during the First Age. Includes a briefing pamphlet to give to new players entitled "A Guide to Meru", a setting book entitled "Lands of Creation", a mechanics and NPC book entitled "Lords of Creation", a combat wheel for counting tics in battle, and a cloth map which shows Creation as it was during the First Age. The First Age incarnations of important sig characters and favorite cities are revealed, character creation rules are offered for four different game power levels, and the social order of the Dragon-Blooded is drastically changed. (WW80602, May 2008, ISBN 978-1-58846-620-4)
#"The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol. IV: the Underworld": A book detailing the dark realm of the Dead.(WW80218, June 2008, ISBN 978-158846-613-6)
#"The Books of Sorcery, Vol. V: The Roll of Glorious Divinity II: Ghosts & Demons". (WW80304, July 2008, ISBN 978-158846-447-7)

Unreleased Books"These books have been either mentioned by White Wolf (on their Online Store or on their Live Journal), or referenced to by another Exalted book."

#"The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. III: The East": Will have information on Sijan, Halta, the Linowan, and unnamed other kingdoms.
#"The Scroll of Fallen Races": Details on the Mountain Folk and also the Dragon Kings.
#"The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. IV: The South": Will have information on Southern states and cities.
#"The Compass of Terrestrial Directions, Vol. V: The North": Will have information on Northern states and cities. Information on the Bull of the North will also be included.
#"Graceful Wicked Masques: The Fair Folk": Replaces 1st ed's Exalted: The Fair Folk.
#"The Compass of Celestial Directions, Vol.V: Malfeas" Contains information on the Yozi demon-prison realm.
#"Manual of Exalted Power - The Infernals" [] : Will cover both Akuma and Green Sun Princes.

External links

* [ - Jess Hartley (author contributor to "The Compass of Celestial Directions 1: The Blessed Isle") personal website]
* [ The White Wolf LiveJournal Community]

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