Louis Harold Gray

Louis Harold Gray

Louis Harold Gray (10 November 1905 - 9 July 1965) was a British physicist who worked mainly on the effects of radiation on biological systems, inventing the field of radiobiology as he went. A summary of his work is given below. Amongst many other achievements, he defined a unit of radiation dosage which was later named after him as an SI unit, the Gray.

Summary of Career

* 1933 Hospital physicist at Mount Vernon Hospital, London
* 1936 Developed the Bragg-Gray equation, the basis for the cavity ionization method of measuring gamma-ray energy absorption by materials
* 1937 Built an early neutron generator at Mount Vernon
* 1938 Studied biological effects of neutrons using the generator
* 1940 Developed concept of RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness) of doses of neutrons
* 1952 Initiated research into cells in hypoxic tumors and hyperbaric oxygen
* 1953 Set up Gray Laboratory at Mount Vernon Hospital
* 1953 - 1960 Under Gray’s direction, Jack W. Boag developed pulse radiolysis
* 1962 Ed Hart (ANL) and Boag discovered the hydrated electron using pulse radiolysis at Gray Lab

This discovery initiated a new direction for chemistry research that is still very active today and is vital for understanding of the effects of radiation on biological tissue, for instance in cancer treatment.

External links

" Based in part on [http://www.jlab.org/FEL/helios/tsld009.htm this slide] and several subsequent and prior ones, with permission. "

* Definition of [http://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/q647.html RBE] .
* [http://www.lhgraytrust.org/index.html The LH Gray Memorial Trust] founded in 1967
* [http://www.medphysics.ucla.edu/more_gray.htm A biography]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Louis Harold Gray — (* 10. November 1905 in London; † 9. Juli 1965 in Northwood) war ein britischer Physiker und Radiologe sowie Begründer der Radiobiologie. Seine Arbeit befasste sich mit der Wirkung von Strahlung und Radioaktivität auf biologische Systeme. Unter… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • gray — [ grɛ ] n. m. • 1975; de Stephen Gray ♦ Métrol. Unité de mesure de dose absorbée de radiation (symb.Gy) communiquant à 1 kg de matière irradiée une énergie de 1 joule. ⇒ rad. ⊗ HOM. Grès. ● gray nom masculin (de Louis Harold Gray, nom propre)… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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