- Vision quest
A vision quest is a
rite of passage in some Native American cultures.Inuit examples
In many
Inuit and other Native American groups, the vision quest is a turning point in life taken before puberty to find oneself and the intended spiritual and life direction. When an older child is ready, he or she will go on a personal, spiritual quest alone in the wilderness. This usually lasts for a number of days while the child is tuned into the spirit world. Usually, a Guardian animal will come in a vision or dream, and the child's life direction will appear at some point. Once the child has grown into his- or her- self, s/he will return to the tribe and pursue that direction in life. After a vision quest, the child may apprentice an adult in the tribe of the shown direction (Medicine Man, boatmaker, etc).The vision quest may be a part of
shamanism , more exactly, the learning andinitiation process of the apprentice for achieving the ability for shamanizing, mostly under the guidance of an older shaman.The vision quest may be said to make the initiated establish contact with a spirit or force. Psychologically, it may have effected
hallucination s. See a complexemic and etic approach toshamanism among Eskimo peoples in Merkur, Daniel: Becoming Half Hidden / Shamanism and Initiation among the Inuit. (Series: Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis / Stockholm Studies in Comparative Religion). Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1985.] .The technique may be similar to
sensory deprivation methods. It may include long walking on uninhabited, monotonous areas (tundra , inland, mountain);fasting ;sleep deprivation ; being closed in a small room (e.g.igloo ).Notes
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