Sisters of Sin

Sisters of Sin


publisher=Marvel Comics
debut="Captain America" #294 (Jun 1984)
creators=J. M. DeMatteis
Paul Neary
members=Mother Night
subcat=Marvel Comics
The Sisters of Sin are fictional characters in the Marvel Universe. The Sisters are a group of female supervillains, so-called because their original costumes were distorted versions of the traditional clothing of Roman Catholic nuns.

The Sisters of Sin are the leaders of a quasi-religious cult that promotes hatred and violence, and were formed by the Red Skull. The sisters were young disciples of the Skull, including his daughter who became known as Mother Superior, and the Skull used advanced science to rapidly age them to adulthood. The other women took on the names Sister Death, Sister Dream, Sister Pain, and Sister Pleasure. The Sisters fought Captain America and Nomad, but were defeated. When the Red Skull appeared to have died in a clash with Captain America, the Sisters were restored to their original ages.

Later, Mother Superior's nanny, Susan Scarbo (formerly known as Suprema, and now calling herself Mother Night), reformed the Sisters of Sin and became their new leader. Mother Night restored the girls to artificial adulthood, and they took on new names: Mother Superior became Sin, Sister Dream became Hoodwink, Sister Pleasure became Raunch, Sister Pain became Slash, and Sister Death became Torso. The Sisters again came into conflict with Captain America and were defeated.

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