Atlantis basin

Atlantis basin


latitude = 35
N_or_S = S
longitude = 177
E_or_W =W

Atlantis basin is an eroded impact crater in the southern hemisphere of Mars in the Phaethontis quadrangle, Sirenum Terrae region, centered at 177ºW, 35ºS. The crater was formed during the early Noachian period in a volcanic plain.cite journal | title=The Geology of Atlantis Basin, Mars, and Its Astrobiological Interest| last=de Pablo| first= M. A.| coauthors=Fairén, A. G.; Márquez, A.| journal=35th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 15-19, 2004, League City, Texas| id= abstract no.1223| month=March 3| year=2004| url=] Atlantis basin contains Atlantis Chaos, a region of chaos terrain.

It contains an ancient dry lakebed (possibly part of Eridania Lake), as well as structures that appear to be volcanic dikes and recently-formed gullies that suggest the possibility of long-term hydrothermal activity.

ee also

* Geography of Mars
* Areas of chaos terrain on Mars


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