Frederick Joseph Kinsman

Frederick Joseph Kinsman

Frederick Joseph Kinsman (September 27, 1868, Warren, Ohio-1944) was an American clergyman, educated at St. Paul's School, Concord, New Hampshire, and at Keble College, Oxford. He was Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Delaware from 1908 to 1919 but resigned to become a Roman Catholic and was appointed professor of modern church history in the Catholic University at Washington. He wrote:
* "Principles of Anglicanism" (1910)
* "Prayers for the Dead" (1914)
* "Issues before the Church" (1915)
* "Outlines of the History of the Church" (1916)
* "Catholic and Protestant" (1918)
* "Salve Mater" (1920)

External links

* [ Documents by Kinsman]
* [ New General Catalog of Old Books and Authors (source for death year)]


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