HR 1614

HR 1614

Starbox begin
name=HR 1614 [cite web | url = | title = HD 32147 -- High proper-motion Star | publisher = Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg | language = English | accessdate = 2006-06-08 ]
Starbox observe
dec=DEC| -05|45|13.231
Starbox character
class=K3 V
Starbox astrometry
Starbox detail
metal=190% Sun
age=2 × 109
Starbox catalog
GJ 183,
HR 1614,
BD -05°1123,
HD 32147,
LHS 200,
LTT 2142,
GCTP 1129.00,
SAO 131688,LPM 200,
HIP 23311.

HR 1614 is a spectroscopic binary star system in the constellation Eridanus. (The information in the table is for the primary star.)

It is considered a metal-rich dwarf star, which means it displays an unusually high portion of elements heavier than Helium in its spectrum. This metallicity is given in term of the ratio of Iron to Hydrogen, as compared to the Sun. In the case of HR 1614, this ratio isabout 90% higher than the Sun. [cite journal | author=S. Feltzing, G. Gonzalez | title=The nature of super-metal-rich stars. Detailed abundance analysis of 8 super-metal-rich star candidates | journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics | year=2001 | volume=367 | issue=2 | pages=253265 | url= | doi=10.1051/0004-6361:20000477 ] The activity cycle for this star is 11.1 years in length. [cite web | url = | title = H-K Project: Activity Cycles | publisher = Mt. Wilson Observatory | accessdate = 2006-11-30 ]

This system is a member of a moving group of at least nine stars that share a common motion through space. The members of this group display the same abundance of heavy elements as does HR 1614, which may indicate a common origin for these stars. The space velocity of this group relative to the Sun is 59 km/s. [cite journal | last = Eggen | first = O. J. | title=HR 1614 and the dissolution of a supercluster | journal=Astronomical Journal | year=1992 | volume=104 | issue=5 | pages=19061915 | url= | doi=10.1086/116366 ] The estimated age of this group is 2 Gyr. [cite journal | author=S. Feltzing, J. Holmberg | title=The reality of old moving groups - the case of HR 1614. Age, metallicity, and a new extended sample | journal=Astronomy and Astrophysics | year=2000 | volume=357 | pages=153163 | url= ]


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