

Zareth-shahar - the splendour of the dawn, a city "in the mount of the valley"(Josh. 13:19). It is identified with the ruins of Zara, near themouth of the Wady Zerka Main, on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, some 3 miles south of the Callirrhoe, in the territory of the Tribe of Reuben. Of this town butlittle remains. "A few broken basaltic columns and pieces ofwall about 200 yards back from the shore, and a ruined fortrather nearer the sea, about the middle of the coast line of theplain, are all that are left" (Henry Baker Tristram's "Land of Moab").

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  • Zareth-shahar —    The splendour of the dawn, a city in the mount of the valley (Josh. 13:19). It is identified with the ruins of Zara, near the mouth of the Wady Zerka Main, on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, some 3 miles south of the Callirrhoe. Of this… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

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