titratable acidity expressed as percentage of lactic acid — pieno rūgštingumas pieno rūgšties procentais statusas Aprobuotas sritis pienininkystė apibrėžtis Etaloninio natrio hidroksido tirpalo kiekis mililitrais, reikalingas 100 g pieno esančioms rūgštims neutralizuoti, padaugintas iš 0,009. atitikmenys … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Net acid excretion — In renal physiology, net acid excretion (NAE) is the net amount of acid excreted in the urine per unit time. Its value depends on urine flow rate, urine acid concentration, and the concentration of bicarbonate in the urine (the loss of… … Wikipedia
Crassulacean acid metabolism — Pineapple is a CAM plant Crassulacean acid metabolism, also known as CAM photosynthesis, is a carbon fixation pathway that evolved in some plants as an adaptation to arid conditions. The stomata in the leaves remain shut during the day to reduce… … Wikipedia
set acid — noun : the titratable acidity of a freshly filled fermenter … Useful english dictionary
Renal physiology — This illustration demonstrates the normal kidney physiology. It also includes illustrations showing where some types of diuretics act, and what they do. Renal physiology (Latin rēnēs, kidney ) is the study of the physiology of the kidney. This… … Wikipedia
Fisiología renal — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La Fisiología Renal es el estudio de la fisiología de los riñones. Contenido 1 Secreción de hormonas 2 Homeostasis Extracelular 3 Equilibrio … Wikipedia Español
TA — Abbreviation for Terminologia Anatomica. * * * alkaline tuberculin; arterial tension; axillary temperature; tactile afferent; Takayasu arteritis; technology assessment; teichoic acid; temporal abstraction; temporal arteritis; terminal antrum;… … Medical dictionary
Ta — Symbol for tantalum. * * * alkaline tuberculin; arterial tension; axillary temperature; tactile afferent; Takayasu arteritis; technology assessment; teichoic acid; temporal abstraction; temporal arteritis; terminal antrum; therapeutic abortion;… … Medical dictionary
TA — • alkaline tuberculin; • arterial tension; • axillary temperature; • tactile afferent; • Takayasu arteritis; • technology assessment; • teichoic acid; • temporal abstraction; • temporal arteritis; • terminal antrum; • therapeutic abortion; •… … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
Protein pKa calculations — In computational biology, protein pKa calculations are used to estimate the pKa values of amino acids as they exist within proteins. These calculations complement the pKa values reported for amino acids in their free state, and are used… … Wikipedia