WWC Anniversary

WWC Anniversary

WWC Anniversary is an event that the World Wrestling Council hosts every year to mark its birthday since 1973.

WWC Anniversary (1983)

September 17, 1983 in San Juan, Puerto Rico, at the Hiram Bithorn Stadium :*Miguel Perez pinned Barrabas (3:42).:*Pete Sanchez beat Assassin #2 (0:21).:*Bob Sweetan pinned Gama Singh (6:27).:*Hercules Ayala pinned The Iron Sheik (4:10).:*Pierre Martel pinned Don Kent (8:28).:*Abdullah Tomba pinned Gorilla Monsoon (1:11).:*WWC & Caribbean Tag Team Champions The Super Medics beat Chief Thundercloud & Chuy (6:02).:*WWC North American Champion Pedro Morales beat Ric Flair (11:28) via DQ.:*WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Champion King Tonga pinned Dory Funk, Jr. (15:59).:*Invader #2 pinned Ox Baker (8:23).:*Kendo Nagasaki vs El Gran Apollo went to a draw(20:00).:*WWC Universal Heavyweight Champion Carlos Colon vs NWA World Champion Harley Race went to a draw(60:00).:*Mil Máscaras & Dos Caras beat The Infernos (Tim Tall Tree & Gypsy Joe) (8:20).:*André the Giant beat Abdullah the Butcher (9:42) via countout.

WWC Anniversary (1984)

September 15, 1984, in San Juan, Puerto Rico at the Roberto Clemente Stadium :*Buzz Sawyer pinned Joe Savoldi.:*Hercules Ayala pinned Tom Lintz.:*Wahoo McDaniel, Mark & Jay Youngblood beat The Super Medics.:*Invader III pinned Anibal to win the UWA Junior Light Heavyweight Championship.:*Invader I pinned Konga the Barbarian to win the WWC Puerto Rican Championship.:*Randy Savage pinned Pedro Morales (4:30) to win the WWC North American Championship.:*All-Japan & PWF Tag Team Champions Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody DDQ Abdullah the Butcher & Carlos Colon (14:11)

WWC Anniversary (1985)

Held on September 21, 1985 in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

WWC Anniversary (1986)

The 1986 event was held on September 20, 1987, with total gate of $400,000. It took place in three venues:
Bayamon, Puerto Rico at Juan Ramón Loubriel Stadium, drawing 23,000,
Ponce, Puerto Rico at Juan Pachin Vicens Auditorium, drawing 9,500,
Mayaguez, Puerto Rico at the Isidoro Garcia Stadium, drawing 9,500.

Ponce (WWC Universal Championship Tournament-Round 1):*Carlos Colon pinned Boris Zukhov.:*Abdullah The Butcher beat Shohei "Giant" Baba by countout.:*Terry Funk pinned Barry Windham). (Ponce):*Rick Martel advanced by forfeit over Bruiser Brody.

Mayaguez (2nd round):*Terry Funk beat Rick Martel :*Carlos Colon beat Abdullah The Butcher:*Barry Windham beat Boris Zukhov:*Ric Flair retained the NWA World title by pinning Miguel Perez Jr.

San Juan:*Carlos Colon pinned Terry Funk to win the WWC Universal title:*Ric Flair retained the NWA World title against Invader #1:*Al Perez pinned Barry Windham

WWC Anniversary (1987)

The 1987 event was held on September 20, 1987, it took place
Bayamon, Puerto Rico at Juan Ramón Loubriel Stadium, drawing 11,000

:*Jorge Clemente pinned Dominic Robles.:*Cipriano Armenteros pinned Armandito Salgado.:*Miguel Perez, Jr. pinned The Crusher (Rip Morgan). (Ponce):*Hurucan Castillo pinned El Gran Mendoza to win the WWC Junior Heavyweight Championship. (Bayamon):*The Fantastics (Fulton & Rogers) beat Buddy Roberts & Iceman King Parsons via DQ.:*Stan Hansen beat The Missing Link via DQ. (Bayamon):*Mark & Chris Youngblood beat The Hunters (Dale Veasey & Bob Brown) to win the WWC Tag Title. (Ponce):*Tony Atlas pinned The Iron Sheik. (Ponce):*The Road Warriors beat Terry & Dory Funk, Jr. via DQ. (Bayamon):*WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Champion Kareem Muhammad pinned Mighty Igor. (Mayaguez):*Bruiser Brody beat Abdullah the Butcher via DQ in a "dog collar chain" match.:*TNT (Savio Vega) pinned Mr. Pogo. (Mayaguez):*Carlos Colon pinned Hercules Ayala in a "barbed wire" match to win the WWC Universal Championship. (Ponce):*Invader #1 pinned Chicky Starr in a "retirement vs. hair" match. (Bayamon)

WWC Anniversary (1988)

September 10, 1988, drawing 23,000 total fans to two venues,Bayamon, Puerto Rico at Rubén Rodríguez Coliseum and Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium:*Dutch Mantel pinned Pez Whatley.:*Mike Graham pinned Don Kent.:*Jimmy Valiant & Rufus R. Jones beat The Wild Samoans via DQ. (BS):*Ronnie Garvin beat The Iron Sheik via countout. (JLS):*WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Champion Ricky Santana pinned Mr. Pogo. (BS):*Chicky Starr pinned Invader #3. (JLS):*Wahoo McDaniel pinned Danny Spivey. (BS):*WWC Caribbean Heavyweight Champion Buddy Landel beat TNT.:*Carlos Colon beat Hercules Ayala via submission in a "fire" match. (BS):*Kamala pinned Jimmy Valiant.:*WWC Tag Team Champions Brad & Bart Batten beat The Sheepherders via DQ. (BS):*Hurucan Castillo & Miguel Perez, Jr. beat Bobby Jaggers & Dan Kroffat in a "hair vs. hair" match. (JLS)

WWC Anniversary (1989)

The 1989 event was held on October 7, 1989 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, at the Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium, drawing 17,000, and was shown live on pay-per-view.:*Cuban Assassin & Jerry Morrow beat Miguel Perez, Jr. & Hurucan Castillo to win the WWC Caribbean Tag Team Championship.:*WWC Junior Heavyweight Champion Super Medico beat El Gran Mendoza.:*Manny Fernandez pinned Invader #3.:*Jimmy Valiant pinned Kareem Muhammad.:*Kevin Von Erich pinned Ron Bass.:*Chris & Mark Youngblood beat Rip Oliver & Abudha Dein to win the WWC Tag Team Championship.:*TNT pinned Chicky Starr (4:57) in a "gimmick vs. hair" match.:*Invader #1 beat Ivan Koloff in a "Russian chain" match to win the WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Championship.:*Carlos Colon pinned Steve Strong in a "barbed wire cage" match to win the WWC Unniversal Title

WWC Anniversary (1990)

The 1990 event was on July 7, 1990 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.:*Chris Youngblood pinned Chicky Starr.:*Monster Ripper pinned Candi Divine to win the WWC Women's Championship.:*WWC Tag Team Champions Super Medicos beat Jacques & Raymond Rougeau when Jacques was pinned.:*Invader #1 (seconded by Hector Camacho & Robocop) KO Leo Burke (4th Rnd) in a "boxing" match to win the WWC Caribbean Title.:*Zeus DCO Abdullah the Butcher.:*Piratita Morgan & Espectrito beat Mascarita Sagrada & Aguilita Solitaria when Morgan pinned Sagrada.:*Scott Hall beat Atkie Malumba via DQ.:*Rick Valentine pinned Mark Youngblood.:*WWC Caribbean Tag Team Champions Hurucan Castillo & Miguel Perez, Jr. (seconded by Robocop) beat The Cuban Assassin & Ron Starr when Casitillo pinned Assassin.:*WWC Universal Heavyweight Champion Carlos Colon drew TNT (60:00).

WWC Anniversary (1991)

The 1991 event was held in Bayamon, Puerto Rico, on July 6, 1991.:*Rod Price beat Super Medic III to win the WWC Caribbean Title.:*Koko B. Ware beat Galen Mendoza.:*Miguel Perez, Jr. & Hurricane Castillo, Jr. beat The Samoan Swat Team.:*Hugo Savinovich beat Billy Travis.:*El Bronco beat Skandar Akbar.:*Monster Ripper beat El Profe.:*Ricky Santana beat Action Jackson in a "loser leaves town" match.:*Invader #1 beat Ronnie Garvin in a "taped fist" match.:*TNT & Giant Warrior beat Demolition (Smash & Crush).:*Dino Bravo beat WWC Universal Champ Carlos Colon via reverse decision. El Vikingo was the special referee.

WWC Anniversary (1992)

The 1992 event was held in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on August 8, 1992:*Cyclone Salvadorino & El Vikingo DDQ Randy Rhodes & El Exotico.:*El Vigilante pinned Victor Jovica.:*Rockin' Rebel pinned Greg Robertson.:*Mark & Chris Youngblood beat Solid Gold.:*Bronco #1 beat Mohammad Hussein.:*Sasha & Amarilla beat Debbie Combs & La Tigresa when Amarilla pinned Tigresa.:*WWC Tag Champions Rex King & Steve Doll beat Joe & Dean Malenko.:*The Patriot pinned Nikolai Volkoff.:*Canadian Giant pinned Atkie Malumba.:*Miguel Perez, Jr. DDQ Abdullah the Butcher.:*Invader #1 pinned Carlos Colon to win the WWC Universal Title.

WWC Anniversary (1993)

The 1993 event was held on August 8, 1993.:*El Bronco beat El Exotico.:*The Bushwhackers beat Warlord & Mr. Hughes.:*Madusa beat Luna Vachon.:*WWC Tag Team Champions Dusty Wolfe & Mohammad Hussein beat Jose Luis Rivera & Mike Anthony.:*Johnny Ace beat Doink.:*Dan Kroffat beat La Ley.:*Hercules Ayala went to a double-DQ vs Abdullah the Butcher.:*Greg Valentine beat Invader #1 to win the vacant WWC Universal Heavyweight Title.:*Carlos Colon beat Terry Funk.

WWC Anniversary (1994)

The 1994 event was held in Bayamon, Puerto Rico at the Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium on August 6, 1994.:*Chris Youngblood pinned Gama Singh.:*Miss Texas Rodeo pinned La Tigresa.:*La Ley pinned Mohammad Hussein in a "loser spends night in jail" match.:*Tahitian Warrior pinned El Pulgarcito in a "loser leaves town" match.:*Paco Lopez pinned El Exotico.:*Abdullah the Butcher beat Mr. Hughes via DQ.:*WWC Tag Champions Ray Gonzalez & El Bronco DDQ The Moondogs.:*Invader #1 pinned Doomsday in a "heart punch" match.:*WWC Universal Champion Dutch Mantel NC WWC TV Champion Carlos Colon.:*Eddie Gilbert beat Hurricane Castillo, Jr. in a "fire" match

WWC Anniversary (1995)

The 1995 event was held on August 13, 1995 in Caguas, Puerto Rico.:*Black Georgie & Che Torres vs. El Pulpo Marín & Castro Salvaje.:*El Exotico & Jumping Joey Maggs vs. The Moon Dogs.:*TV Championship Match: The Patriot vs. Rex King.:*Winner stays as narrator in TV show: El Profe vs. Chicky Starr.:*Midgets Match: Mascarita Sagrada vs. Piratita Morgan.:*Midgets Match: Octagoncito vs. Jerito Estrada.:*Women's Street Fight: Miss Texas (Jaquelyn) vs. La Tigresa.:*Grudge Match: Dutch Mantell vs. El Bronco.:*World Tag Team Championship Match: El Invader #1 & Huracan Castillo Jr. vs. "The Canadian Glamour Boys" Shawn & Shane Mosley.:*Universal Championship Match: Carlos Colon vs. Hercules Ayala.

WWC Anniversary (1996)

The 1996 event was held in Caguas, Puerto Rico.:*Carlos Colon beat El Bronco in a "retirement" match.

WWC Anniversary (1997)

The 1997 event was held in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on August 15, 1997.:*Vampire Warrior beat Herbert Gonzales.:*El Profe NC Rico Suave in a "barroom brawl" match.:*Skull Von Crush beat Ram Man.:*Luna Vachon beat La Tigresa.:*Ricky Santana beat Mohammad Huseein in a "flag" match.:*Invader #1 & #2 went to a No Contest vs The Sheepherders in a "barbed wire tornado" match.:*Golden Boy (Chicky Starr) beat La Ley in a "mask vs. hair" match.:*Mark & Chris Youngblood beat Islanders Tahiti & Kuhio via forfeit to win the WWC Tag Title.:*Carlos Colon pinned Abdullah the Butcher (19:02) in a "retirement" match.:*WWC Universal Heavyweight Champion Ray Gonzales beat Tom Brandi.

WWC Anniversary (1998)

The 1998 event was held at the Hiram Bithorn Stadium on August 1, 1998.:*El Roquero & Ritchie Santiago beat Espantos I & II.:*WWC Junior Heavyweight Champion Jerry Estrada beat Black Boy.:*Perfect 10 beat Bret Sanders.:*Invader II beat Invader III in a "mask vs. mask" match.:*WWO I-C Champ Pierroth, Jr. DDQ Mil Mascaras.:*Glamour Boy Shane pinned Villano III to win the WWC Puerto Rico Title.:*Carlos Colon pinned Ray Gonzalez to win the WWC Universal Title.:*Ricky Santana pinned El Texano in a "hair vs. hair" match.

WWC Anniversary (1999)

The 1999 event was held at the Sola Morales Stadium in Caguas, Puerto Rico on August 14, 1999.:*Blackboy beat Maelo Huertas & El Rockero in a "triangle" match to win the WWC Junior Heavyweight Title.:*El Nene beat Jim Steele.:*Brandi Alexander beat Malia Hosaka.:*El Enjabanao Rabioso beat Bouncer Bob.:*Jose Rivera Jr. & Sr. beat Victor the Bodyguard & Dutch Mantel.:*Atletico beat Angelo.:*Carlos Colon pinned Ray Gonzalez to win the WWC Universal Title.:*Mustafa Saed beat Glamour Boy Shane in a "ladder" match to win the WWC TV Title.:*Invader #1 beat Chicky Starr via DQ.:*Invader #1 beat Invader del Milenio (0:25).:*Abdullah the Butcher beat The Tower of Doom in a "lumberjacks with whips" match

WWC Anniversary (2000)

The 2000 event was held at the Sola Morales Stadium in Caguas, Puerto Rico on July 16, 2000.:*Rico Suave & Atletico beat Joe Don Smith & Gran Artache.:*El Bronco beat Invader III.:*Tony Atlas beat Dutch Mantel.:*Eddie Colon beat Jose Rivera, Jr. via DQ.:*Invader I went to a double-DQ vs Titan.:*Octagoncito beat Pierrothtito.:*Barry & Kendall Windham beat Public Enemy.:*Carlos Colon beat One Man Gang in a "steel cage" match.:*Carly Colon beat Rey Gonzales to win the WWC Universal Heavyweight Title.:*Abdullah the Butcher beat Big Dick Dudley.:*Thunder & Lightning beat The Pitbulls.

WWC Anniversary (2001)

The 2001 event, nicknamed "Black September (Septiembre Negro)", was held in the Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on September 8, 2001.:*El Rockero, Mustafa Saed, & Enjabonao beat Rex King, Rico Suave, & Tahitian Warrior (12:15) when Saed pinned King.:*Bad Boy Bradley pinned Chris Grant to win the WWC TV Title.:*Astro Man DDQ El Bronco (6:18).:*Carlos Colon beat Barrabas, Sr. (5:17) via DQ.:*Barrabas, Jr. pinned Eddie Colon (7:41).:*Invader I pinned Fidel Sierra (10:53) to win the WWC Puerto Rican Title.:*AAA Heavyweight Champion Konnan pinned The Barbarian.:*Carly Colon & Rey Gonzales beat Tag Team Champions Thunder & Lightning (17:20) when Colon made the pin (non-title match).:*El Nene pinned Super Gladiator (12:17) to win the WWC Hardcore Title.:*Abdullah the Butcher beat Big Hail (6:53) via DQ.

WWC Anniversary (2002)

The 2002 event was held on September 14, 2002 in Bayamon, Puerto Rico at the Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium:*Brent Dail pinned Mr. Casanova in a "loser wears a dress" match.:*Sexy Marie pinned Ruben Pacino.:*Super Gladiator II pinned Bronco.:*Tommy Diablo beat Frankie Capone, Kid Romeo, and Damien Steele in a "four corners" match.:*Fidel Sierra & Ricky Santana beat Rico Suave & Wilfredo Alejandro.:*WWC Universal Champion Carly Colon beat Konnan (8:35) via DQ.:*WWC Junior Heavyweight Champion Eddie Colon beat XWF Cruiserweight Champion Kid Kash (13:02) via DQ.:*XWF Heavyweight Champion British Storm pinned Super Gladiator I (9:36).:*WWC Tag Team Champions Thunder & Lightning vs Carlos Colon & Abdullah the Butcher went to a double-DQ(7:18).:*XWF Tag Team Champions The Nasty Boys beat The Reggaetones

WWC Anniversary (2003)

The 2003 event was held in Carolina, Puerto Rico on July 19, 2003:*Brent Dail & Rico Suave beat New York Hit Squad II & Marcus Falk.:*Vengador Boricua beat Chris Candido to win the WWC TV Title.:*Jose Rivera, Jr. beat Alex Montalvo to win the WWC Junior Heavyweight Title.:*Bronco I beat Victor Jovica in a "loser leaves town vs. company ownership" match.:*Fidel Sierra & Ricky Santana beat Broncos II & III to win the WWC Tag Team Titles.:*Pablo Marquez beat Diabolico.:*Carly Colon beat Mike Awesome.:*Eddie Colon beat Domonican Boy in a "Stacy Colon's hair vs. mask" match.:*Carlos Colon DCO Abdullah the Butcher.:*Thunder NC Lightning.

WWC Anniversary (2004)

The 2004 event was held in Caguas, Puerto Rico on August 21, 2004:*Kid Kash beat Maniac to win the WWC Junior Heavyweight Title.:*Rico Suave beat Mike Youngblood.:*El Cabellero Misterioso beat Dallas.:*Vengador Boricua beat Super Gladiator.:*Delta Force beat Alex Montalvo & Chris Joel to win the WWC Tag Title.:*Chicky Starr beat Diabolico.:*Eric Alexander pinned Abyss.:*WWC Universal Champ Abdullah the Butcher DCO Nene.:*Huracan Castillo beat Bronco I via DQ.:*Carly Colon pinned Eddie Colon (30:00).

WWC Anniversary (2005)

The 2005 event was held in Juan Ramon Loubriel Stadium in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on November 5, 2005.This event was dedicated to Isaac Rosario (wrestling trainer):*"Mr.450" Hammett beat Chris Joel.:*Genesis & Sexy Marie beat Lady Demonique & Sexy Juliette.:*Stefano beat Superstar Romeo to win the WWC Junior Heavyweight Title.:*Gran Goliath beat Ash.:*Derrick King & Stan Lee beat Vengador Boricua & Joe Bravo to win the WWC Tag Title.:*Abbad pinned Brent Dail to win the WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Title.:*Rico Suave went to a no-contest vs Dr. Cesar Vargas.:*El Bronco beat El Diamante.:*Abdullah the Butcher pinned TNT (Anarchy).:*WWC Universal Heavyweight Champion Bryan pinned Eddie Colon.:*Carlito beat Shane.

WWC Anniversary (2006)

The 2006 event was held in the Pepin Cestero Court in Bayamon, Puerto Rico on August 12, 2006.This event was dedicated to Jose Rivera Sr.:*Jose Rivera, Jr. pinned Brent Dail (9:32) to win the WWC Junior Heavyweight Title.:*Fidel Sierra & Ricky Santana beat Hannibal & Jason X (12:17) via DQ.:*Demonique & La Bella Carmen beat Black Rose & Genesis (9:53) when Demonique pinned Rose.:*Abbad vs Orlando Jordan went to a no-contest (12:37).:*Chris Joel & Hurricane Castillo, Jr. beat Tim Arson & "Mr. Hardcore" Rico Suave when Castillo pinned Arson.:*Fire Blaze pinned Alex Montalvo (9:56).:*Fire Blaze beat Victor Jovica (3:23) via DQ.:*Bronco beat Eddie Colon (10:23) via DQ.:*Bryan pinned Black Pain (14:07) to win the WWC Universal Title.:*Carlito pinned X-Pac (12:39).

WWC Anniversary (2007)

2007 would see two events held. This events was dedicated to Abdullah The Butcher

Event one

The first show was held on July 13 2007 at Coliseo de Puerto Rico José Miguel Agrelot in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
*Big Vito def. Joey Mercury (7:45)
*Barrabás, Jr. and Crazy Rudy def. Huracán Castillo and Rico Suave (4:09)
*Eddie Colón and Christian Cage fought to a double countout (16:14)
*Legends match: Carlos Colón and Barrabás def. Jose Estrada, Sr. and Victor Jovica (9:22)
*WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship: Apolo def. Goldust (7:04) to retain the title
*Bruiser Brody Cup Battle Royal: Fidel Sierra and Ricky Santana were declared co-winners
*Mask and Retirement vs. Retirement match: El Bronco def. Fire Blaze (12:03) to win his mask. Blaze then unmasked as Orlando Colón.
*Hardcore Match: Sabu def. Abyss (8:01)
*Thunder and Lightning def. Bryan and Black Pain (9:52)
*Carlito def. Scott Hall (8:33)

Event two

The second show was held on July 14 2007 at the Sports and Recreation Palace in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.
*Big Vito vs. Abyss
*Chris Joel vs. El Bronco
*Big Vito vs. Bryan
*Ricky Santana and Fidel Sierra vs. Slam Shady and Voodooman
*Noriega vs. Ash Rubinsky
*Thunder and Lightning vs. Abyss and Black Pain
*Christian Cage vs. Fire Blaze
*Carlos Colón, Crazy Rudy, Barrabás and Barrabás, Jr. vs. Victor Jovica, Jose Estrada, Sr., Huracán Castillo and Rico Suave
*Eddie Colón vs. Sabu
*Razor Ramon defeated Carlito & Apolo in a 3-Way Dance to win the WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship.

WWC Anniversary (2008)

This event was held on July 19 2008 at Coliseo de Puerto Rico José Miguel Agrelot in San Juan, Puerto Rico
*Eugene beat Steve Corino
*WWC Tag Team Championship Los Gemelos D'Jours beat Texas Outlaws (Todd Dean and Bad Boy Bradley)
*Eddie Colon beat Trevor Murdoch
*Shane Twins with Barrabas beat Thunder & Lightning
*Bobby Lashley beat Rhino
*Open Challenge for WWC Puerto Rico Heavyweight Title BJ beat Tommy Diablo, Rico Suave, Crazy Rudy, Fidel Sierra, Jose Rivera Jr. & Huracán Castillo Jr.
*Retirement Ceremony of Carlos Colón with Chicky Starr,Harley Race, Jose Rivera Sr. and Abdullah The Butcher
*WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship Tournament: Noriega def. Orlando Colón
*Ray Gonzalez pinned Carlito

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