Joep Gommers

Joep Gommers

Joep Gommers (born on 2 July 1984 in Breda) is a Dutch security and intelligence professional from the Netherlands.

Joep became known among security professionals after an article of his writing appeared on the technology-related news website slashdot on January 23, 2006, stating that "current approaches to Information Security are fundamentally wrong" [] . With this, and other ideas, he gives talks at conferences, universities and communities throughout Europe. He is relatively unknown outside the European Security community.

From January 2000 to January 2003 he was a programmer and consultant for iKloak, a Dutch vendor of security products. In October 2004 he left the company as technical director of Research and Development. After working for the Dutch security company Kahuna in 2005, he ended his employed career at Motiv IT Masters as a consultant. In 2007 he started the NCECC, which stands for "Northern Continental Europe Cyberspace Command", that aims to "provide state-of-the-art intelligence, defensive and offensive services to better understand, protect against and fight sources of cybercrime and cyberterrorism." [] . He is currently employed by iSIGHT Partners as a malware/virus researcher.

He was nominated for a subject-matter expert status on Security related subjects for the Sixth EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP6). Joep Gommers is also listed as one of the experts in the Dutch knowledge network "kennisportal" [] .

On Queensday 2006 or "Koninginnedag" (Dutch) he was awarded [] the status of "Ridder in de orde van Leren Ondernemen" or in English "Knight in the order of learning entrepreneuring".

Further reading

* Short (Dutch) description of his career on the "kennisportal" website []
* His blog on googlepages []
* Website of the NCECC []
* An article on Integral Security for Intercom magazine, on the subject of Public Safety and Defense coorporation and corresponding risks []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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