Kalinov most

Kalinov most

Infobox musical artist
Name = Kalinov Most (Калинов Мост)

Img_capt =
Img_size =
Landscape =
Background = group_or_band
Birth_name =
Alias =
Born =
Died =
Origin = USSR, Russia
Instrument =
Voice_type =
Genre = Rock, Folk rock, Blues-rock, Christian rock (later)
Occupation =
Years_active = 1984–present
Label =
Associated_acts = Dmitriy Revyakin (solo)
Current_members = Dmitry Revyakin (vocals, guitar) Victor Chapligin (drums) Aleksand Vladikin (piano, keyboards) Konstantin Kovachev (guitar) Dmitriy Grudaenko (bass guitar)
Past_members =
Notable_instruments =

Kalinov Most (Калинов мост, "Kalinov bridge") is a Russian folk rock band, one of the most popular bands in Russia.

The band was formed in 1984 by vocalist and song-writer Dmitry Revyakin in Novosibirsk, Siberia, USSR. They are widely considered to be the first Russian folk rock band.

Their music and lyrics are deeply influenced by Russian folk music and Slavic mythology. The name "Kalinov Most" itself refers to a bridge between the world of the living and the world of the dead in Russian heroic tales and legends. Since frontman Dmitry Revyakin became a born again Christian in 2000, emphasis shifted from Paganism to Christian themes.

Kalinov Most prefers to play their own compositions rather than original folk songs.


* 1986 — Калинов мост (Kalinov most / )
* 1987 — Надо было (Live)(Nado bylo / It Was Necessary)
* 1988 — Вольница (Live)(Vol'nitsa / Free Rein)
* 1988 — Всякие разные песни (D.Revyakin solo)(Vsyakiye raznye pesni / Any Different Songs)
* 1988 — Обломилась доска (D.Revyakin solo)(Oblomilas' doska / The Board Has Broken Off)
* 1988 — Охта (Д. Ревякин соло) (Ohta / Okhta)
* 1990 — Выворотень (Vivoroten')
* 1991 — Дарза (Darza)
* 1991 — Мелодии голых ветвей (Live) (Melodii golyh vetvey / Melodies of Naked Branches)
* 1991 — Узарень (Uzaren')
* 1992 — Ливень (Liven' / Downpour)
* 1993 — Никак 406 (Live)(Nikak 406 / nowise)
* 1993 — Пояс Ульчи (Poyas Ul'chi)
* 1994 — Быль (Byl' / True Story)
* 1994 — Покориться весне (Live)(Pokoritsya vesnye / To Obey Spring)
* 1995 — Травень (Traven' / May)
* 1996 — Всё поле в цветах (D.Revyakin solo)(Vsyo pole v tsvetah / All Field in Flowers)
* 1997 — Живая коллекция (Live)(Zhivaya kollektsiya / Alive Collection)
* 1998 — Обряд (D.Revyakin solo)(Obryad / Ceremony)
* 1998 — Оружие (Oruzhiye / The Weapon)
* 1999 — Улетай (Uletay / Fly Away)
* 1999 — Катунь (Live)(Katun' / Katun)
* 2000 — Иерусалим (макси-сингл)(Ierusalim / Jerusalem)
* 2001 — Руда (Ruda / Ore)
* 2006 — SWA
* 2007 — Ледяной поход (Ledyanoy pohod / Ice Campaign)


* [http://www.kalinovmost.ru/ Official Site] (Russian)
* [http://lib.ru/KSP/kalinow.txt About the band on another web site] (Russian)
* [http://mvagin.narod.ru/texts/kalinov.htm lyrics and scores] (Russian)
* [http://www.kalinovmost.info/ Not official web-site] (Russian)

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