- List of Jack Abramoff-related organizations
Jack Abramoff 's career brought him into contact with numerous organizations, including lobbying firms, restaurants,think tank s, and charitable organizations.1980s
Brandeis University : Abramoff's alma mater
*Citizens for America : Conservativegrassroots organization, related to theIran-Contra scandal , that Abramoff ran in the 1980s. [ [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/12/28/AR2005122801588_2.html "The Fast Rise and Steep Fall of Jack Abramoff"] - Susan Schmidt and James V. Grimaldi, "The Washington Post ", Thursday, December 29, 2005.]
*College Republican National Committee : Political organization of which Jack Abramoff was chairman from 1981 to 1985. [ [http://www.crnc.org/aboutCRNC/famousCRs.cfm] Dead link|date=March 2008]
*International Freedom Foundation : Think tank founded by Abramoff. ["Front for Apartheid: Washington-based think-tank said to be part of ruse to prolong power", "Newsday", July 16, 1995]1990s - Present
Aeneas Enterprises : Consulting firm founded by Jack Abramoff's brother which received payments fromGrassRoots Interactive and did business withTyco International andInternational Interactive Alliance . [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/04/09/washington/09lobby.html?ex=1302235200&en=950cc9a38609199e&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss Lobbying Cases Shine Spotlight on Family Ties] , "New York Times", April 9, 2006]
*Alexander Strategy Group : Lobbying firm founded byEd Buckham involved in theK Street Project that coordinated with Jack Abramoff and employedTom DeLay 's wife,John Doolittle 's wife, andTony Rudy .
*American International Center : Front organization run byMichael Scanlon . [http://indian.senate.gov/public/_files/Report.pdf "Gimme Five"--Investigation of Tribal Lobbying Matters] Final Report before the Committee on Indian Affairs, 109th Congress, June 22, 2006]
*Americans for Tax Reform :Grover Norquist organization that received donations from Abramoff's clients
*Archives Restaurant: Short-lived kosher restaurant started by Abramoff, incorporatedMarch 18 2002 . [ [http://mblr.dc.gov/corp/lookup/status.asp?id=207117 DCRA: Registered Organization Search ] ]
*Atlantic Research Analysis : Michael Scanlon organization, pass-through for Capitol Campaign Strategies.
*Beis Avrohom Chaim : Company founded by Abramoff to run Eshkol Academy and acquire real estate for the school.
*Capital Athletic Foundation : Non-profit organization, incorporated by AbramoffJuly 8 1999 . [ [http://mblr.dc.gov/corp/lookup/status.asp?id=200373 DCRA: Registered Organization Search ] ]
*Capitol Campaign Strategies : Public relations firm run by Michael Scanlon, incorporatedJanuary 12 2001 . [* http://mblr.dc.gov/corp/lookup/status.asp?id=203739
* [http://files.findlaw.com/news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/delay/scanlon112105plea.pdf Text of Scanlon plea] ]
*Capitol Media : Grassroots/political consulting firm owned or controlled byRalph Reed
*Cassidy & Associates : Lobbying firm for which Abramoff worked. [http://www.forbes.com/entrepreneurs/feeds/ap/2006/01/25/ap2476514.html]
*Century Strategies : A grassroots/political consulting firm owned or controlled by Ralph Reed
*Christian Research Network: A fictitious grassroots organization controlled by Michael Scanlon.
*Concerned Citizens Against Gaming Expansion: A fictitious grassroots organization controlled by Michael Scanlon.
*Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy (CREA):an environmental non-profit organization to or through which Abramoff or Scanlon directed their tribal clients to pay money
*Eshkol Academy : Non-profit school founded by Abramoff.
*Federal Program Services : Consulting company founded in 2002 by Sam Hook, an Abramoff associate.
*Global Christian Outreach Network: A fictitious grassroots organization controlled by Michael Scanlon.
*Greenberg Traurig : Lobbying firm that employed Abramoff.
*GrassRoots Interactive : Lobbying firm sold to Abramoff in September 2003.
*KAR LLC : Front organization, run byTeam Abramoff lobbyistKevin A. Ring , which received money by GrassRoots Interactive and Capitol Campaign Strategies
*Kay Gold LLC : Abramoff family company which received millions of dollars from Capitol Campaign Strategies, GrassRoots International, and the American international Center.
*Kollel Ohel Tiferet: Entity used by Abramoff to send money to Shmuel Ben-Zvi, his high-school friend inIsrael .
* Lexington Group: a company owned or controlled by Abramoff that performed lobbying-type services
*Liberty Consulting : Front organization run by Lisa Rudy, wife ofTony Rudy , DeLay chief-of-staff and Team Abramoff lobbyist.
*Livsar Enterprises : Front organization used as the official owner of Signatures Restaurant, funded by Capitol Campaign Strategies.
*National Center for Public Policy Research : Conservative think tank, Abramoff was on the board of directors.
*Preston Gates Ellis & Rouvelas Meeds LLP : Lobbying firm that employed Abramoff.
*Scanlon Capitol Management, LLC: Controlled by Scanlon, used to invest money.
*Scanlon Gould Public Affairs: Political consulting firm controlled by Scanlon, secretly paid money to Abramoff.
*Scanlon Venture Capital: Controlled by Scanlon, used to invest money.
*Signatures Restaurant : Washington, D.C. restaurant started by Abramoff.
*Sports Suites LLC : Firm created by Abramoff to handle billing for use of skyboxes at MCI Center, Camden Yards, and FedEx Field. [cite news
date=December 26, 2004
author=Susan Schmidt and Jeffrey H. Birnbaum
publisher=Washington Post
title=Tribal Money Linked to GOP Fundraising]
*Stacks Delicatessen : New York-style kosher deli started by Abramoff.
*SunCruz Casinos : An off-shore casino purchased by Abramoff,Adam Kidan , andBen Waldman , then divested after bankruptcy
*Torah School of Greater Washington : K-6 Orthodox Jewish school Abramoff helped found in the early 1990s.
*Toward Tradition : Non-profit organization directed by Abramoff.
*U.S. Family Network : Charitable organization founded by Ed Buckham that received money from Abramoff's lobbying clients and the NRCCLobbying clients
List of Jack Abramoff's tribal clients
*Foxcom Wireless : Israeli company that won Capital Hill wireless contract, contributed to Capital Athletic Foundation
*Tan Holdings Corporation
*Tyco International
*Voor Huisen : Dutch company connected to Russian energy giantNaftasib . [ [http://www.boston.com/news/nation/washington/articles/2006/02/23/abramoff_ties_to_russians_probed/?page=full Abramoff ties to Russians probed - The Boston Globe ] ]
*Chelsea Commercial Enterprises : Bahamaian company connected to Naftasib. [ [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A28319-2005Apr5.html A 3rd DeLay Trip Under Scrutiny (washingtonpost.com) ] ]References
See also
Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal
*Jack Abramoff Guam investigation
*Monetary influence of Jack Abramoff
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