John Conrad Bucher

John Conrad Bucher

John Conrad Bucher (December 28, 1792 - January 13, 1844) was an Jacksonian member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania.

John C. Bucher was born in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, the son of the Honorable John Jacob Bucher and Susanna Margaret Horter. His father represented Dauphin county in the Pennsylvania Legislature, sitting at Lancaster, nine successive terms from 1803, and was later appointed by Governor Findlay an associate judge for the county of Dauphin.

John C. Bucher studied law, and was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Harrisburg. He served as clerk of the land department of Pennsylvania in 1813. He was a member of the borough council of Harrisburg and a member of the board of school directors.

Bucher was elected as a Jacksonian to the Twenty-second Congress. He served as a trustee of Harrisburg Academy, Franklin College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and Marshall College in Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. He became an associate judge of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, by appointment of Governor David R. Porter from 1839 until his death in Harrisburg, in 1851. Interment at Harrisburg Cemetery.


* [ The Political Graveyard]
* [ Family History of John Conrad Bucher on]

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