- Hebeloma
image_width = 220px
image_caption = "H. crustuliniforme",
woods nearParis, France
regnum = Fungi
divisio =Basidiomycota
classis =Agaricomycetes
ordo =Agaricales
familia =Cortinariaceae
genus = "Hebeloma""Hebeloma" is a genus of fungi related to the large genus "
Cortinarius ". Found worldwide, it contains the Poison Pie or Fairy Cakes "(Hebeloma crustuliniforme )" and the Ghoul fungus "(H. aminophila)", fromWestern Australia , which grows on rotting animal remains.External links
* [http://www.hti.umich.edu:80/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=fung1tc;cc=fung1tc;view=toc;idno=AAW6632.0001.001 "The veiled species of Hebeloma in the western United States"] by Alexander H. Smith, Vera Stucky Evenson, and Duane H. Mitchel, 1983. (Full text of monograph.)
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