

Singleton may refer to
*Singleton (mathematics), a set with exactly one element in mathematics
*Singleton pattern, a design pattern used in software engineering
*Singleton bound, used in coding theory
*Singleton field, used in conformal field theory

Singleton may also be
*A character encoded with one unit in variable-width encoding schemes for computer character sets
*A person that is not a twin or other multiple birth
*A self-description of individuals without romantic partners, particularly applied to women in their thirties introduced in the novel and film "Bridget Jones's Diary"
*"Singleton", a short story by Greg Egan
*An empty tag or self-closing tag in XHTML or XML coding
*A single card in a suit, as part of a hand in Bridge

Places named Singleton

*Singleton, New South Wales, Australia
*Singleton, Western Australia, Australia
*Singleton, Lancashire, England
*Singleton, West Sussex, England
*Singleton, Kent, England

People with the surname Singleton

*Al Singleton (born 1975), American football linebacker
*Fernando "Royal" Singleton (born 1975), American songwriter, record producer and disc jockey
*Alex Singleton (born 1979), President of the Globalisation Institute
*Alvin Singleton (born 1940), American composer
*Benjamin "Pap" Singleton (1809-1892), African American separatist leader
*Billy Singleton (born 1968), British basketball player
*Charles Laverne Singleton (1959-2004), executed inmate
*Chris Singleton (born 1977), Irish musician
*Chris Singleton (American football) (born 1967), American football player
*Chris Singleton (baseball player) (born 1972), American baseball player
*Dave Singleton, American writer
*Henry Singleton, co-founder of Teledyne
*James Singleton (basketball) (born 1981), American professional basketball player
*John Singleton (born 1968), American film director, producer, and screenwriter
*John Singleton (Australian entrepreneur) (born 1942)
*Ken Singleton (born 1947), sports commentator, former professional baseball player
*Kenneth Singleton, American economist
*Lawrence Singleton (1927-2001), American criminal
*Michael Singleton (19132002), English cricketer
*Mike Singleton (born 1951), British programmer
*Penny Singleton (19082003), American actress
*Roger Singleton-Turner, British television director
*Sandy Singleton (1914-1999), English cricketer
*Sasha Singleton (born 1978), American model and dancer
*Valerie Singleton (born 1937), British television and radio presenter
*Walter K. Singleton (1944-1967), Medal of Honor recipient
*William Dean Singleton, founder and CEO of MediaNews Group
*Zutty Singleton (1898-1975), American jazz drummer

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  • Singleton — steht für: Singleton (Entwurfsmuster), ein Entwurfsmuster (Pattern) in der Softwareentwicklung Singleton (Bridge), eine nur einmal besetzte Farbe beim Kartenspiel Bridge Singleton (Texas), eine Stadt in Texas Singleton (West Sussex), ein Dorf in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • singleton — [ sɛ̃glətɔ̃ ] n. m. • 1767; mot angl., de single « seul » 1 ♦ Unique carte d une certaine couleur, dans la main d un joueur (au boston, au whist, au bridge). 2 ♦ Math. Ensemble constitué d un seul élément. ● singleton nom masculin (anglais… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • singleton — singletón s. n. Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  SINGLETÓN s.n. Singura carte de un anumit semn pe care o are un jucător la bridge. [< engl., fr. singleton]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN  SINGLETÓN… …   Dicționar Român

  • Singleton — Sin gle*ton, n. In certain games at cards, as whist, a single card of any suit held at the deal by a player; as, to lead a singleton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Singleton — (engl., spr. Singeltn), in fast allen Kartenspielen eine Karte, welche man von einer Farbe nur einmal hat …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Singleton — (engl.), im Kartenspiel die alleinige Karte von einer Farbe, mitunter soviel wie Trumpf …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Singleton — (engl., spr. ßinglt n), im Kartenspiel (Whist) die alleinige Karte von einer Farbe …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • Singleton — (–tönn), engl., beim Kartenspiel die einzige Karte von einer Farbe …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • singleton — index item Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • singleton — single card of a suit in a hand, 1876, originally in whist, from SINGLE (Cf. single) (adj.) …   Etymology dictionary

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