Infobox Korean name
rr=hangugeo neungnyeok siheom
mr=hangug nngnyk sihm|
The TOPIK, or Test of Proficiency in Korean, is a test administered by the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)(Hangul 한국교육과정평가원 Hanja 韓國敎育課程評價院) to non-native Korean speakers to measure their knowledge of the Korean language. It is offered twice annually in many locations worldwide.Fact|date=August 2008

The test is divided into four parts: vocabulary & grammar, writing, listening, and reading. There is currently no oral section. Two versions of the test are offered: standard (S)-TOPIK and the business (B)-TOPIK. There are three different levels of S-TOPIK: beginner (초급), intermediate (중급), and advanced (고급). Depending on the average score and minimum marks in each section it is possible to obtain grades 1-2 in beginner, 3-4 in intermediate and 5-6 in advanced S-TOPIK. In B-TOPIK the scores in each section (out of 100) are added together to give a score out of 400.


The test, like most others of its kind, including the English TOEIC test, requires the testee to quickly read both a question and multiple choice answers for each task in the listening section. This potentially biases the listening score depending on reading speed and ability, skills which the reading section is designed to evaluate. Additionally, the lack of an oral section makes the test score an impractical measure of the testee's oral communication skills. The test could therefore theoretically be passed at an advanced grade by an individual with no ability to conduct even basic spoken interaction in the Korean language.

ee also

* Test of Proficiency in Korean
*TEPS Test of English Proficiency developed by Seoul National University
* Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)
* Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì (HSK) Mandarin Chinese proficiency test

External links

*ko icon [ TOPIK homepage]
*ko icon [ KICE homepage]

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