

Marzemino is a red Italian wine grape that is primarily grown around Isera, south of Trentino. The wine is most noted for its mention in the opera Don Giovanni of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ("Versa il vino! Eccellente Marzemino!"). The vine ripens late and is susceptible to many grape diseases including oidium. Wine produced from the grape has a characteristic dark tint and light plummy taste. [1] Ampelographers have long theorized that the grape originated in northern Italy. Recent DNA profiling conducted at the research facility in San Michele all'Adige revealed Marzemino to have a parent-offspring relationship with the Friuli-Venezia Giulia wine grapes Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso and Teroldego which gives further evidence to its likely origins in this region.[2]


Wine regions

Marzemino is found throughout northern Italy most notably in the Lombardia, Trentino, Veneto and Friuli-Venezia Giulia wine region. In Lombardy it is often used as a blending grape, most often partnering with Barbera, Groppello, Merlot or Sangiovese. In Trentino, it is often made as a varietal wine.[3] While it is believed to have played a minor role in the history of Chianti, today it is rarely seen in Tuscany.[2]

Viticulture and winemaking

Marzemino is very susceptible to various fungal diseases and can be prone to high yields and over cropping. The vine requires a long growing season and ripens late. Marzemino can produce light wines with lively acidity that can be slightly sparkling.[2] In cooler climates, the acidity can come across as grass with light cherry fruit flavors. Some sweet passito examples of Marzemino, often blended with other grapes, can also be found throughout northern Italy.[3]

In art

In the play Don Giovanni, the title character calls out for a glass of Marzemino in the final banquet scene just before his deliverance into hell.

In the opera Don Giovanni, the titular character Don Giovanni calls out for a glass of Marzemino just before his deliverance into hell.[3] [4]


Marzemino is known under a variety of synonyms throughout Italy. These include Balsamina Nera, Barzemin, Bassamino, Berzemino Calopico, Bossamino, Magnacan, Marsemina, Marzamino, Marzemin, Marzemino d'Isera, Marzemino gentile, Marzemino Padovano, Merzemina and Uva Tedesco.


  1. ^ J. Robinson Vines, Grapes & Wines pg 211 Mitchell Beazley 1986 ISBN 978-1-85732-999-5
  2. ^ a b c J. Robinson (ed) "The Oxford Companion to Wine" Third Edition pg 429 Oxford University Press 2006 ISBN 0198609906
  3. ^ a b c Oz Clarke Encyclopedia of Grapes pg 122 Harcourt Books 2001 ISBN 0151007144
  4. ^ J. Kosman "THE SCENE: Experts show which wines go with which music Patrons of the arts meet fans of the grape"' San Francisco Chronicle June 21st, 2002

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