

The word limma or leimma can refer to several different musical intervals, whose only common property is their small size:

*The original Pythagorean limma, 256/243, discussed at Pythagorean interval (Audio|Pythagorean minor semitone on C.mid|play).

*The 5-limit limma, 128/125, the amount by which three just major thirds fall short of an octave (Audio|5-limit limma on C.mid|play).

*The major limma, 135/128, which is the difference between two major whole tones and a minor third (Audio|Greater chromatic semitone on C.mid|play).

*The 5-limit diatonic semitone, 16/15 (Audio|Just diatonic semitone on C.mid|play). Although closer in size to the Pythagorean apotome than to the limma, it has been so called because of its function as a diatonic semitone rather than a chromatic one.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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