- Esveld Aceretum
Esveld Aceretum is (in the number of
species and cultivars under cultivation at the site) the largest collection of maples in the world. ["Maples for Gardens: A Color Encyclopedia" by C.J. van Gelderen & D.M. van Gelderen, 1999] The aceretum is part of PlantenTuin Esveld, a family-owned commercial nursury in Boskoop, Netherlands that was founded in 1865. [ [http://www.esveld.nl/collecties/aceretumeng.htm Esveld Website] ]The term "aceretum" describes an
arboretum devoted to maple trees and shrubs, i.e. plants belonging to theGenus "Acer". The aceretum was founded in the early 1970s, anchored by a giant specimen of "Acer shirasawanum " that was already about one century old. ["Maples for Gardens: A Color Encyclopedia" by C.J. van Gelderen & D.M. van Gelderen, 1999]The aceretum now holds over 600 varieties of maples and is the holder of the Dutch Plant Collections of "Acer." PlantenTuin Esveld is the holder of the national collections of several other Genus of plants as well. [ [http://www.esveld.nl/collecties/aceretumeng.htm Esveld Website] ]
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