Soyuz 36

Soyuz 36

Infobox Space mission
mission_name = Soyuz 36
sign = Orion
crew_members = 2
launch = May 26, 1980
18:20:39 UTC
Baikonur LC31
landing = July 31, 1980
15:15:02 UTC
140 km SE of Dzhezkazgan
duration = 65d/20:54:23
orbits = 124
next = Soyuz T-2
previous = Soyuz 35 |


Number in parentheses indicates number of spaceflights by each individual prior to and including this mission.

*Valery Kubasov (3) - Commander
*Bertalan Farkas (Hungary) (1) - Research Cosmonaut

*Viktor Gorbatko (3) - Commander
*Pham Tuân (Vietnam) (1) - Research Cosmonaut

Backup crew

*Vladimir Dzhanibekov - Commander
*Béla Magyari (Hungary) - Research Cosmonaut

Mission parameters

*Mass: 6800 kg
*Perigee: 197.5 km
*Apogee: 281.9 km
*Inclination: 51.62°
*Period: 89.0 minutes

Mission highlights

9th expedition to Salyut 6. Valeri Kubasov and Bertalan Farkas formed the OrionVisiting Expedition crew. Hungary’s experiments were in the areas of materialsprocessing, Earth observation, and life sciences. Hungarian Intercosmos mission. Postponed from June 1979 after the Soyuz 33 main engine failure. Kubasov and Farkas traded their spacecraft for Soyuz 35. Soyuz 36 was later traded for Soyuz 37.

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