Geoffrey of Vinsauf — (fl. 1200) is a representative of the early medieval grammarian movement, termed preceptive grammar by James J. Murphy for its interest in teaching ars poetria (1971, vii ff.). Ars poetria is a subdivision of the grammatical art ( ars grammatica… … Wikipedia
Galfredus de Vino Salvo — (auch Galfridus, Gaufredus, Gaufridus, Godefridus, Ganfredus; Zuname de Vinosalvo, Vinesauf, Anglicus; anglonormannisch Geoffroi de Vinsauf, englisch Geoffrey of Vinsauf) war ein englischer Rhetoriker des ausgehenden 12. Jahrhunderts, dessen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Geoffrey of Vinsauf — (fl. 1200) With his Poetria nova, composed between 1200 and 1202, with last additions and revisions probably from ca. 1215, Geoffrey of Vinsauf was, with Matthew of Vendôme (Ars versificatoria, late 12th century), Eberhard (Evardus) the German … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Traugott Lawler — (born 8 March 1937) is a medievalist scholar, expert on William Langland, and an emeritus professor of English at Yale University, where he served as master of Ezra Stiles College.Lawler was educated at the College of the Holy Cross, graduating… … Wikipedia
Garland, John — (Johannes de Garlandia) (ca. 1180–ca. 1252) John Garland was a Latin poet and grammarian who was born in England and taught at the University of Toulouse as well as the University of Paris. He was the author of five major works in Latin verse … Encyclopedia of medieval literature
Juan de Garlandia — con sus discípulos. Portada de Synónima magistri . Ed.: Heinrich Quentel. Colonia. 1495. Juan de Garlandia (c. 1195 después de 1272), John de Garland, latinizado Johannes de Garlandia o Johannes An … Wikipedia Español
Johannes de Garlandia (philologist) — Johannes de Garlandia or John of Garland was a philologist and university teacher. His dates of birth and death are unknown, but he probably lived from about 1190 to about 1270. Of English origin, he studied at Oxford and then at the medieval… … Wikipedia
Jean de Garlande (Grammatiker) — Jean de Garlande (* 1195; † 1272) war ein englischer Grammatiker, Lexikograph und Musiktheoretiker in Frankreich. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werke 2.1 Verlorene Werke 3 Weblinks // … Deutsch Wikipedia
Johannes de Garlandia — Titelbild des Werks Synónoma magistri Johannes de Garlandia oder Johannes Anglicus (frz. Jean de Garlande, engl. John of Garland, * um 1195 in England; † nach 1272) war ein englischer Hochschullehrer, Dichter und Schriftsteller, der mit seinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Johannes de Garlandia — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Johannes de Garlandia o Johannes Anglicus (* h. 1195; † después de 1272) fue un profesor universitario, poeta y escritor, que tuvo una gran influencia en la Europa de la Baja Edad Media gracias a sus letras… … Wikipedia Español