- AT&T FSM Library
The AT&T FSM Library is a collection of
Unix software tools for creating and manipulatingfinite state machine s, specifically weighted finite-state acceptors and transducers. While completely general, the library was designed for and is being used inspeech processing applications, such asspeech recognition andspeech synthesis . It is available under non-commercial (binary only) and commercial licenses fromAT&T Labs .The Library consists of three sets of components:
* User program level components that are stand-alone programs and read/write data from files or pipes.
* A hierarchy of C/C++ library functions that can be used from the user's code.
* A set of definitions that specify labels, weights and kinds of fsm representations.External links
* [http://www.research.att.com/~fsmtools/fsm/ FSM Library]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.