Project Revolution (game)

Project Revolution (game)

"Project: Revolution" was an introduction first-person shooter (FPS) video game for the Sega Dreamcast, that was launched in its beta form at the 2000 E3 game expo. It was developed by TalonSoft in conjunction with Volition, who later took the then unfinished beta and ported it for launch on the PlayStation 2 under the name "Red Faction".

The game went into development in late 1999, it used a new type of geographic software called "re-flex" (renamed Geo-Mod by Volition) which allowed the integration of fully destructible level maps. It also took the physics engine from the highly successful "Unreal", series as well as its graphics engine, with some key tweaks, that allowed the game to take full advantage of the Dreamcast power, with limited slowdowns and no in-level loading, a problem that plagued the PS2 release of "Red Faction". It also took advantage of the Dreamcast's online support at the time, allowing up to 8 people to take part in an online version of the game's mission mode, as well as up to 18 people in the online arena brawl. It also incorporated a 2 player mission mode as well as support for four player battle modes.


The game takes place in a fictional universe during a galactic cold war between the GFR (Galactic Federation of Republics) and the GUSP (Galactic Union of Socialist Planets). The GUSP has been in opposition to the Galactic Senates allowance of the GFR to set up labor colonies in the Orion system, which had been determined part of the GUSP's territory after the GFR-backed invasion of the Degas system which the GUSP successfully repelled. The conditions in the labor camps have worsened over the past 5 years as the guards begin to crack down on miners who have begun to openly speak of revolution, as well as killing random laborers to keep the others in line. The tension between the guards and the laborers is at boiling point, and it appears that a revolution is the only way for the laborers to free themselves, and for the GUSP to push the GFR out of their backyard.

The story starts deep in an underground mining facility on the distant planet of Oovoo IV (in the Orion system) were the main character is resting in the barracks with the other miners, when there is a large explosion followed by heavy gunfire. A group of rebel miners break down the doors to the barracks and proceed to distribute weapons to the slightly shaken miners who eagerly join the revolt. The player attempts to enlist other miners, and fights the guards to reach the surface, and head toward the rebel outpost. Once the player reaches the rebel base it is revelaled that the team of laborers that helped liberate Mine 4 (M-4) were aided by a team of GUSP mercenaries, and that the GFR is sending troops to help suppress the miner rebellion on Oovoo IV before it spreads to the neighboring planets in the system.


Sgt. James Mcloud (Playable character): Leader of the GUSP mercenaries, a veteran of numerous military engagements (chiefly the defence of the Degas system) Sgt. Mcloud is not afraid to use military tactics that are frowned upon in the GFR's world of "civilized combat".

Fara Sopot: Female leader of the rebel uprising, Fara is not afraid to get her hands dirty and is quite often seen leading troops into the fray. Although she usually butts heads with Sgt. Mcloud she seems to have a soft spot for him and visa versa.

Victor Ryhnhold (Playable character): Main character witnesses the murder of his best friend at he hands of power dunken guards.

GUSP/Rebel Weapons

.45 cal Semi-Automatic handgun - Standard issue infantry sidearm. Its has a high rate of fire coupled with its reliabiltiy and 8 round cartridge make it a welcome companion when the situation demands steath as well as maximum leathality.

Vaz-10 Automatic Combat Shotgun - Developed from the original Vaz-8 shotgun that dominated the field in the early parts of the Degas conflict. It incorporates a fully automatic loading mechanism and an 8 round clip for maximum damage at close range.

Siz-32/10 Submachine Gun - A rather new introduction to the GUSP's military arsenal, it was developed to take the place of the Kiv-47/1 in close quarter combate situations.

Kiv-50 Sniper Rifle - A standard longrange sniper rifle, outfitted with an GUSP-8xz 18x night/infrared vision scope. It fires .50 cal rounds at a high velocity, from a 12 round magazine.

Kiv-47/1 Infantry Rifle - This highly accurate assault rife is a favorite among the GUSP merc's. With fast-firing semi-automatic mode coupled with a full-automtic setting make it more that a match for the GFR UAR-42 military rifle. Each magazine holds 20 bullets.

Flak-32 Fussior Rocket Launcher - Developed during the Degas conflic the Flak-32 was developed originally as a modile anti-aircraft launcher but was soon being used to suppress enemy advances on the front line.

Kvz-JK27 Heavy Suppression Machine Gun - This belt fed machine gun is a relice of the second galactic war, but despite its age it is still a must have for GUSP merc's that are stationed in hostile enemy environments.

Vut-2x Flame Thrower - this outlawed weapon shoots a stream of burning napalm while the secondary mode allows the user to fire a steady stream of napalam onto a target and then ignite it with the primary mode.

Vsq-90 Hand Grenade - Can be thrown with a 4 second timer or to detonate on contact.

Vsq-15 Remote Sharp Charge - An adhesive explosive charge that will adhere to anything. (infantry, walls, etc.) As its name implies it can be remotely detonated. It can be used against infantry, vehicles, and to clear debris

GFR Weapons

GP-19 12mm Semi-Automatic Pistol — The standard issue officer pistol. It has a high rate of fire and a large, 16 bullet magazine. The secondary fire attaches/removes a silencer.

UAR-42 Military Rifle - The standard issue combat rifle for GFR troops. Its primary fire is a three round burst that allows for maximum accuracy while its secondary fire is fully-automatic to compensate for its low caliber rounds.

USG-43 Sniper Rifle - This standard issue GFR long range sniper rifle is the ideal long range steath rifle which fires .22 cal rounds at a very high velocity which makes up for its small caliber size. Outfitted with the latest GFRQSX-1sz 12x scope and a QVP-7 silencer place the USG-43 Sniper Rifle in the top catigorie of long range sniper rifles.

UL-6S Tactical Rocket Launcher - Developed toward the end of the GFR's invasion of the Degas system in response to the "Fussior". The UL-6S was made to meet the need for a moblie rocket launcher that was more moblie and less gainly than than the GUPS's launcher.

GWP-31 Submachine Gun - This compact rapid fire weapon has become the chief stabe of the GFR's armed forces taking the place of the UAR-42 in high risk close quarter combat situations.

GHG-70 Offensive Hand Grenade - Can be thrown with a 4 second timer or to detonate on contact.

GUSP/Rebel Vehicles

Rino - This massive armored transport vehicle first appeared on the front during the second galactic war and has remained generally unchanged asied from the advent of heavier hull armor, a larger 80mm turret, and 2 turbo diesle turbine engines.

All terrain Vehicle - basically a jeep with an enclosed and armored cab as well as the addition a roof mounted .50 cal machine gun.


One of the major software developments for "Project: Revolution" was the Re-Flex geographic software which unlike past games which only allowed limited level alteration via scripted events in the game, or specifically pre-rendered sections of the level, allowed unlimited alteration of the environment. This was possible because of the way it designates altered (or "Re-flexed") areas. Whereas other game engines would have to modify the shape of the altered object to create a similar effect, Re-flex creates special objects which represent empty space. When, for example, an explosion blows a hole in a rock wall, the Re-flex technology creates an "empty space" object which is the approximate size and shape of the explosion. The use of a specially designed test level in the beta version shown at E3, and the decision to release it exclusively for the Dreamcast was chiefly to demonstrate the unlimited possibilities that the Re-Flex geography system was capable of, that were once though impossible on a home console.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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