Notre Planète

Notre Planète

Infobox ESC entry
song = flagicon|Monaco Notre Planète

caption =
year = 2004
country = Monaco
artist = Maryon Gargiulo
as = Maryon
with =
language = French
languages =
composer = Philippe Bosco
lyricist = Patrick Sassier
conductor =
place =
points =
place_semi = 19th
points_semi = 10
lyrics = [ from Diggiloo Thrush]
clip =
prev = Notre Vie C'Est La Musique
prev_link = Notre Vie C'Est La Musique
prev_year = 1979
next = Tout De Moi
next_link = Tout De Moi

Notre Planète (English translation: "Our Planet") was the Monegasque entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 2004, performed in French by Maryon.

The song is an environmentally-themed track with a moderately up-tempo feel. Märyon sings about the need to take care of the natural beauty of the earth, in order to make sure that an earthly paradise can be constructed.

Of some note was the performance, in which Märyon began dressed almost head-to-toe in a dark cloak, before removing it as the song built to its conclusion.

As Monaco had not competed at the Contest for 25 years, the song was performed in the semi-final. Here, it was performed eighth (following Malta's Julie & Ludwig with On Again...Off Again and preceding Greece's Sakis Rouvas with Shake It). At the close of voting, it had received 10 points, placing 19th in a field of 22 and thus missing out on participation in the final.

It was succeeded as Monegasque representative at the 2005 Contest by Lise Darly with Tout De Moi.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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