1860 in art

1860 in art

List of years in Art


*Founding of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.


* Grand Prix de Rome, painting:
* Grand Prix de Rome, sculpture:
* Grand Prix de Rome, architecture:
* Grand Prix de Rome, music: Emile Paladilhe.


*Lawrence Alma-Tadema - "A Bargain"
*Daniel Huntington - "Chocorua"
*Édouard Manet
**"Portrait of M. and Mme. Auguste Manet" (Musée d'Orsay, Paris)
**"The Spanish Singer" (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)


*January 29 - William Jacob Baer, painter (d. 1941)
*May 31 - Walter Sickert, English Impressionist painter (d. 1942)
*June 18 - Laura Muntz Lyall, Canadian Impressionist painter (d. 1930)
*September 7 - Grandma Moses, folk artist, painter, (d. 1961)
* Iris Nampeyo - potter, ceramic artist (d. 1942)


*April 28 - Jakob Guttmann, sculptor (b. 1811)
*August 22 - Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps, painter (b. 1803)
* Denis Auguste Marie Raffet, illustrator and lithographer (b. 1804)
* Juan Antonio Rivera, historical painter (b. "unknown")
* Louis Hersent, French painter (b. 1777)
* Rembrandt Peale, American artist (b. 1778)
* Dai Xi, Chinese painter of the 19th century and representative of the academic manner (b. 1801)
* William Charles Ross - British painter of historical paintings, miniatures and portraits (b. 1794)

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