

name = "Sonneratia"

image_width = 300px
image_caption = "Sonneratia pagatpat" ( Blanco 1837)
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Myrtales
familia = Lythraceae
genus = "Sonneratia"
genus_authority = L.f.

"Sonneratia" is a genus of plants in the family Lythraceae. Formerly the Sonneratia were placed in a family called Sonneratiaceae which included both the "Sonneratia" and the "Duabanga", but these two are now placed in their own monotypic subfamilies of the family "Lythraceae". The genus was also named "Blatti" by James Edward Smith, but "Sonneratia" had botanical nomenclature priority.


The "Sonneratia" genus has twenty identified species:
*"Sonneratia acida" L.f.
*"Sonneratia alba" Griff.
*"Sonneratia apetala" Buch.-Ham.
*"Sonneratia caseolaris" ( L. ) Engl.
*"Sonneratia evenia" Blume
*"Sonneratia griffithii" Kurz
*"Sonneratia gulngai" N.C.Duke
*"Sonneratia hainanensis" W.C.Ko , E.Y.Chen & W.Y.Chen
*"Sonneratia iriomotensis" Masam.
*"Sonneratia lanceolata" Blume
*"Sonneratia mossambicensis" Klotzsch
*"Sonneratia neglecta" Blume
*"Sonneratia obovata" Blume
*"Sonneratia ovalis" Korth.
*"Sonneratia ovata" Backer
*"Sonneratia pagatpat" Blanco
*"Sonneratia paracaseolaris" W.C.Ko, E.Y.Chen & W.Y.Chen
*"Sonneratia punctata" J.F.Gmel.
*"Sonneratia rubra" Oken
*"Sonneratia urama" N.C.Duke

Common names

The "Sonneratia" are called 'berembang' in Malaya, 'mangrove apple' in English, and 'mangroven apfel' or 'holzapfel mangrove' in German.


* [ Diversity of Life: Sonneratia] - retrieved 6 June 2006;
* [ ITIS Report: Sonneratia] - retrieved 6 June 2006;
*Graham, S. A., Thorne & Reveal (May 1998) "Validation of subfamily names in Lythraceae" "Taxon" 47(2): pp. 435-436;
* [ Mangrove Apple ("Sonneratia alba") from Mangrove and Wetland Wildlife at Sungei Buloh Nature Park] - retrieved 24 November 2006;
* Shi, Suhua "et al." (September 2000) "Phylogenetic Analysis of the Sonneratiaceae and its Relationship to Lythraceae Based on ITS Sequences of nrDNA" "Journal of Plant Research" 113(3): pp. 253-258;
* [ Duke, N. C. ans Jackes, Betsy R. (1987) "A Systematic Revision of the Mangrove Genus Sonneratia (Sonneratiaceae) in Australasia" "Blumea" 32: pp. 277-302] - retrieved 24 November 2006;

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