- Justice and Development Party (Morocco)
name_english = Justice and Development Party
name_native = "حزب العدالة والتنمية"
Ḥizb al-ʿAdala wal-Tanmiyya
Parti de la Justice et du Développement
logo =
leader =
president =
chairperson =
spokesperson =
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foundation =
headquarters = 4 Abdulwahid al-Marrakeshi Street,Rabat
newspaper =
national =Islamism ;Islamic democracy
international =
europarl =
colors =
colorcode =#009900
website = [http://www.pjd.ma/sommaire_en.php3 Official web site]
footnotes =The Justice and Development Party ( _ar. حزب العدالة والتنمية) ( _fr. Parti de la Justice et du Développement, abbreviated to PJD") is the largest oppositionpolitical party inMorocco . The PJD promotesIslamism andIslamic democracy .History
The party was founded by Dr.
Abdelkrim Al Khatib an old politician known for his close ties with the Monarchy, under the name of MPDC ( _fr. Mouvement populaire démocratique et constitutionnel). The party was an empty shell for many years, until various members of a clandestine associationChabiba islamia , who later formed the MUR ( _fr. Mouvement unité et réforme) joined the party, with the authorisation and encouragement of formerinterior minister Driss Basri . It later changed its name to current PJD in 1998, reminiscent of the better known Turkish Justice and Development Party ("Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi", AKP) which was founded three years later in 2001, however. It should be noted that the Moroccan PJD is less liberal and modern than the Turkish AKP, although a very slow modernisation process is going on.Parliamentary representation
In the parliamentary election, held on
27 September 2002 , the party won 42 out of 325 seats, winning most of the districts where it was allowed to compete. Its secretary-general since 2004 isSaadeddine Othmani , deputy ofInezgane , an outer suburb ofAgadir . In the parliamentary election held on7 September 2007 , the PJD won 46 out of 325 seats, behind theIstiqlal Party , which won 52. This was contrary to expectations that the PJD would win the most seats. [ [http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/09/10/africa/AF-GEN-Morocco-Elections.php "Moroccans favor conservative party instead of ushering in Islamic party"] , Associated Press ("International Herald Tribune"), 9 September 2007.]Ideology
The party had a tradition of publishing violent
diatribes in the newspaper of the MUR ("Attajdid "), focusing its criticism on the Westernisation of Moroccan society (for example manners, women, clothing, social conduct), but not on the monarchy per se, as this is still a taboo subject in Morocco. However, since the2003 Casablanca bombings it has considerably softened its criticism, and has adopted a lower profile and a more pragmatic attitude. The party's political and social program is considered by some to be vague, especially in its attitude towardscivil liberties .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.