List of zine distros

List of zine distros

This is a list of zine distros. Zines are often distributed through secondary circuits, such as: trade, zine symposia, record stores, concerts, independent media outlets, mailings, or zine "distros."


* [ Sticky Institute] Australia's largest zine store and distroDegraves SubwayShop 10 Campbell ArcadeMelbourne, Victoria, Australia

Open: Monday, Wednesday-Friday 12-6pm, Saturday 12-5pm

Postal address: PO Box 310, Flinders Lane, Victoria, Australia 8009

Email: stickyship [at] gmail [dot] com

Telephone: + 61 3 9654 8559
* [ Missing Link Records] alternative record store, distro and record label in MelbourneBasement 405 Bourke StreetMelbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000

Open: Mon-Wed 10am-6pm, Thur-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat 10am-5.30pm, Sun 11pm-5pm

Telephone: +61 3 9670 8208

Fax: +61 3 9670 7176

E-mail: info [at] missinglink [dot] net [dot] au


* Great Worm Express Distribution sells various types of independent media focusing on zines.


* [ Berontak Zine] Indonesia's oldest underground music fanzine that still exist with early xerox format and now with newspaper and also ezine. They also have distro and small record label too.Berontak ZineBlok 2 No. 666 Pajak USU Medan, Indonesianb: Don't send any compliment or letter to that address!Open: Everyday except Sunday and national holliday 10am-6pm

Postal address: Roy Romerou/p BERONTAK ZINEJl. Sekip Gg. Agus Salim No. 2Medan 20118 Indonesia

Email: brontak_zine [at] yahoo [dot] com

Telephone: + 62 61 77480666Mobile: +62 81362110666

New Zealand

* Moon Rocket Distribution is run by Moira of Child That Mind zine.

United Kingdom

* [ Café Royal] is a family run online store and off line publishing house specialising in Artists' books and zines. They accept submissions.
* All that glitters zine distro is a non-profit zine distro begun in November 2003, based in the United Kingdom, and run by Sophie Lafayette.
* Cause and Effect Distro is run by Emma and carries zines, music, and crafts by women, queer, and transpeople.
* [ Manifesta Distro] is run in Leeds by Emily and is a predominantly feminist distro.
* has a huge number of football fanzines for sale and distributes them all over the world.
* Dreams Tape Distro is a bootleg live tape distro run by ShadowPlay Fanzine from Nottingham since June 2003.
* [ CornDog Publishing] is a fairly new online distro with lots of USA and Australian zines.

United States

* AK Press is an international distro and publisher. AK Press is a workers’ co-operative wholly owned by its members.
* [ Art Zine Distro] is a non-profit distro that focuses on art related zines.
* Avocado Tree Distro is a zine distro started in the summer of 2006 by Raven, located in South Florida.
* [ Bottles on the Sill] distro began as a zine library during Winter 2003 in Seattle, WA by Jessica Bublitz. Soon it grew to include a large distro of zines, comics, and handmade crafts and relocated to Milwaukee, WI. Now sales and trades are made mostly in person through zine fests. The library continues and will soon have a walk-in location in the Riverwest neighborhood of Milwaukee.
* Boxcar Books and Community Center, Inc. is a volunteer run, non-profit organization from Bloomington, IN that exists to provide new and used books, zines, magazines, and comics.
* [ By Freaks For Freaks Distro] is an Evanston, IL-based distro that accepts a variety of zines covering different topics.
* C/S Distro is a distro run by zinester Noemi Martinez.
* [ Deadpan Distro] is an underground media distribution collective based out of Orange County, California. The distro was founded in 1993.
* Driving Blind Distro was started in the summer of 2002 by Erin H of New Jersey. It is now defunct.
* Fall of Autumn is an online publisher, creative resource and distribution site dedicated to promoting and developing community via tutorials, audio readings from zines and open-forum discussions, started by Alan Lastufka.
* Gigglebot distro is a non-profit distro, started by Jessaruh in May 2005.
* [ Gimme Brains!!! Distro] is a zine distro based in San Francisco, CA run by Mae Undead.
* HousewifeXcore Distro is a zine distro based in San Diego, CA, run by Ari/Polly Vomit of Metasynderyne zine.
* Learning to Leave a Paper Trail is a distro started in 2003 by Ciara Xyerra.
* LMGSOT, located in Los Angeles, Ca, is an independent magzine that focuses on Celebrity Gossip, Music and Fashion Trends, founded by two anonymous teenagers in 2007.
* Loop Distro is a Chicago-based distro, started by Billy Roberts, focused on distroing Chicago zinesters.
* Love Bunni Press is a zine publisher and distro which started in 1988 by R.John Xerxes Piche.
* Microcosm Publishing is an independent publisher and distributor based in Portland, OR.
* [ My My] distro was started in June 2004 by Taryn Hipp.
* Not Sorry is a zine distro based in Portland, OR that features zines and crafts about issues dealing with eating disorders, size-ism, fatphobia and fat-positivity.
* Outhouse Publishing Distro was started in 2003 by Bob Sheairs.
* Paper-Xerox-Staples is a zine distro, located in Tallahassee, Florida, which caters to a wide variety of readers, believing ziones are democracy and that zines are essentially anti canonistic.
* Quimby's Bookstore is an independently owned bookstore that specializes in independently published and small press books, zines and comix.
* Reading Frenzy is a store in Portland, OR, that sells publications from independent presses.
* Soft Skull Press, located in Brooklyn, NY, is an independent press, founded by Sander Hicks in 1992.
* Stranger Danger is committed to distributing zines written by feminists, trannies and queers.
* [ Sweet Candy"'] distro is run by Sage Adderley in Georgia, founded in 2004.
* [ True Grit Distro] is a West Philly based distro that specializes in DIY, self-sufficiency, and radical zines. Founded in 2005, it is run by Paolo and Claryn.
* Whammy! Industries is a zine distro specializing in food-themed zines, with an emphasis on vegan cookzines.


* [ Anarxya Distri [Difusion Cultural] ] Foco no comercial de difusion cultural libertaria. Xixón (Asturies). From 1997
* [ FONDO perdido] Website about zines. From 2001
* [ Monja Jamón] 2003-2006
* Megabelops. 1999-2002
* [ Exóticopop Fanzine Online] Música, cómics y show.
* [ Plataforma21] Revista web sobre música, cine, libros, cómics, relatos...

ee also

*Zine, for more information on zine distros
*ZineWiki, which has separate entries for most of the distros listed above

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