Manuscript 5229

Manuscript 5229

MS 5229 is a 13th century (7th century Hijra) manuscript, 210 folia (420 pages), kept in Astane Quds Museum ( [ موزهٔ آستان قدس رضوی] ), Mashhad. It was discovered in 1923 in Mashhad by Turkic scholar Ahmed Zeki Validi Togan. It contains a collection of medieval Arab geographical treatises, most notably the 10th century account of Ibn Fadlan of his embassy to the Volga Bulgars.

* Ibn af-Faqih: "aẖbar al-buldan" "Exploration of the lands" (p. 1)
* Abu Dulaf: "ar-risalatu-l-ūla" "First relation" (p. 347)
* Abu Dulaf: "ar-risalatu--ṯnaniat" "Second relation" (p. 362)
* Ibn Fadlan: "ma šahidat fi baladi-t-turk wa al-ẖazar wa ar-rus wa aṣ-ṣaqalibat wa al-bašġird wa ġirham" "Account of the lands of the Turks, the Khazars, the Rus, the Saqaliba, the Bashkhirs" (p. 390)


*Collection of Geographical Works by Ibn al-Faqih, Ibn Fadlan, Abu Dulaf Al-Khazraji, ed. Fuat Sezgin, Frankfurt am Main, 1987.

External links

* [ some scans] of a microfilm copy of the manuscript.

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