- Star Dudes
"Star Dudes" is an internet-based Flash animated cartoon series that premiered in 2000. Created by animator Rich Cando, the series presents the major events of several "Star Wars" films condensed down to less than five minutes per film. The stylized characters seen in the films speak only in word balloons, and all dialogue is based around the phrase "Dude!"
One of the first Flash-animated series on the internet, the "Star Dudes" series attracted attention from the media, with profiles on the series appearing on
TechTV 's "The Screen Savers ", "The Christian Science Monitor " [ [http://www.csmonitor.com/2000/0811/p16s1.html "The Christian Science Monitor"] On the Net, 'the force' is with amateur filmmakers] , "The Independent " [ [http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4158/is_20000425/ai_n14306734 "The Independent"] Independent Pursuits] , and "Yahoo! Internet Life" magazine. [ [http://theforce.net/fanfilms/story/star_dudes_recognized_in_yahoo_magazine_87697.asp TheForce.net] "Star Dudes" recognized by Yahoo!]In 2002, the third "Star Dudes" film, "Return of the Dude", was featured in the Design+ exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Taipei, Taiwan. [ [http://homepage2.nifty.com/lau_hongkong/exibithion/michael_taipei.htm Design+ exhibition listing] ] In 2005, the original "Star Dudes" exhibited as part of the Spielzeugmuseum "Star Wars" toy exhibition in Nuremberg, Germany.
Cando announced a fifth "Star Dudes" short in 2002 [ [http://www.theforce.net/fanfilms/story/attack_of_the_dudes_poster_87016.asp Attack of the Dudes poster revealed] ] , but to date it has not been completed.
*"Star Dudes" (2000)
*"The Bad Dudes Strike Back" (2000)
*"Return of the Dude" (2001)
*"The Phantom Dude" (2002)
*"Attack of the Dudes" (announced but incomplete)References
External links
* [http://www.dudestudios.com "Star Dudes" Official Site]
* [http://www.richcando.com Rich Cando website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.