94 Diskont

94 Diskont

Infobox Album
Name = 94 Diskont
Type = Album
Longtype =
Artist = Oval

Released = flagicon|Europe 1995 flagicon|USA October 1996
Recorded =
Genre = Electronica Microsound Glitch Post-Rock
Length = 50:56
Label = Thrill Jockey THRILL036 Mille Plateaux MP13
Producer =
Reviews = * Allmusic rating|5|5 [http://allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:tgjw7iaog75r link]
Last album = "Systemisch" (1994)
This album = "94 Diskont" (1995)
Next album = "Dok" (1998)

"94 Diskont" is an album by the experimental electronic music group Oval. The vinyl version of the album comes a remix LP that contains remixes by: Mouse On Mars, Scanner, Cristian Vogel and Jim O'Rourke. [Cameron Macdonald, [http://www.thrilljockey.com/catalog/?id=100031 "Thrill Jockey Records: Oval: 94 Diskont"] , Thrill Jockey Records Website. Retrieved 26 November 2006.] It was released in 1995 (see 1995 in music) by Mille Plateaux and by Thrill Jockey in 1996.

Oval received both praise and controversy from their styling methods, such as literally deconstructing music and digital audio by using exacto knives, paint, and tape to damage the surfaces of the compact discs, only to stitch it back together in loops of melody punctuated by the disc's physical skips." [Cameron Macdonald, [http://www.stylusmagazine.com/articles/seconds/oval-do-while.htm "Oval: Do While"] , Stylus Magazine. Retrieved 23 November 2006.]

"94diskont" was released as a companion piece with their previous album "Systemisch". The album centers around "Do While", a 24 minute track originally composed for their 8 channel, 128 speaker modular sound installation named "Wohnton" (translates into home tone) in a stereo mixdown. Wonhton was shown throughout Europe between 1994 and 1996 on various occasions ranging from art exhibitions to techno raves. [Cameron Macdonald, [http://www.thrilljockey.com/catalog/?id=100031 "Thrill Jockey Records: Oval: 94 Diskont"] , Thrill Jockey Records Website. Retrieved 26 November 2006.]

Reviews and influence

At the time of "94 Diskont"'s release, "The Wire" placed the album at #5 on its top album of the year for 1995. ["The Wire", 1995 ( [http://www.rocklistmusic.co.uk/thewire.html link] ).]

Allmusic awarded the album 5 stars and stated "94 Diskont is undoubtedly a standout in the field of electronically advanced, glitch-heavy music." [Ben Tausig, [http://allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:ly6ibkg9jakq~T0 "94 Diskont" review] , Allmusic. Retrieved 23 November 2006.]

In a 2003 feature, the webzine "Pitchfork Media" placed "94 Diskont" at #47 on their top 100 albums of the nineties list. Mark Richardson of Pitchfork declared "Sounds appear as multi-layer holograms, with both sources and ghosted copies simultaneously vying for attention, a piece of sonic trickery used to create some of the most serene and aquatic music of the 90s." [Mark Richardson, " [http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/feature/36737/Staff_List_Top_100_Albums_of_the_1990s/page_6 Top 100 Albums of the 1990s] "" list, Pitchfork Media. Retrieved 23 November 2006.]

Track listing

# "Do While" – 24:04
# "Store Check" – 3:58
# "Line Extension" – 3:02
# "Cross Selling" – 6:06
# "Commerce Server" – 4:56
# "Shop in Store" – 4:00
# "Do WhileX" – 4:50

External links

* [http://www.thrilljockey.com/catalog/?id=100031 94 Diskont] at Thrill Jockey

Notes and references

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