MESFET stands for Metal Epitaxial Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor. It is quite similar to a
JFET in construction and terminology. The difference is that instead of using a p-n junction for a gate, a Schottky (metal -semiconductor ) junction is used. MESFETs are usually constructed in compound semiconductor technologies lacking high quality surface passivation such as GaAs, InP, or SiC, and are faster but more expensive than silicon-basedJFET s orMOSFET s. Production MESFETs are operated up to approximately 30 GHz, and are commonly used formicrowave frequency communications andradar . From a digitalcircuit design perspective, it is increasingly difficult to use MESFETs as the basis for digitalintegrated circuit s as the scale of integration goes up, compared toCMOS silicon based fabrication.Functional Architecture
The MESFET differs from the common insulated gate
FET in that there is no insulator under the gate over the active switching region. This implies that the MESFET gate should, in transistor mode, be biased such that one does not have a forward conducting metal semiconductor diode instead of a reversed biased depletion zone controlling the underlying channel. While this restriction inhibits certain circuit possibilities, MESFET analog and digital devices work reasonably well if kept within the confines of design limits. The most critical aspect of the design is the gate metal extent over the switching region. Generally the narrower the gate modulated carrier channel the better the frequency handling abilities, overall. Spacing of the source and drain with respect to the gate, and the lateral extent of the gate are important though somewhat less critical design parameters. MESFET current handling ability improves as the gate is elongated laterally, keeping the active region constant, however is limited by phase shift along the gate due to the transmission line effect. As a result most production MESFETs use a built up top layer of low resistance metal on the gate, often producing a mushroom-like profile in cross section.Application
Numerous MESFET fabrication possibilities have been explored for a wide variety of semiconductor systems. Some of the main application areas are:
*military communications
* militaryradar devices
* commercialoptoelectronics
*satellite communications References
*I.M. Abdel-Motaleb, W.C. Rutherford and L. Young: GaAs inverted common drain logic (ICDL) and its performance compared with other GaAs logic families. In: Solid-State Electronics, Volume 30, Issue 4 , April 1987, Pages 403-414 [http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0038-1101(87)90169-99]
See also
Field effect transistor
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