Sant'Anselmo all'Aventino

Sant'Anselmo all'Aventino

Sant' Anselmo all'Aventino is a church, monastery and college on the Aventine Hill in Rome, dedicated to Saint Anselm.

They were designed by Hildebrand de Hemptinne and Fidelis von Stotzingen, and built in 1900. The International College of Sant' Anselmo is located here, as is the seat of the Abbot Primate of the Federation of 'Black Monks' (which includes all monks under the Rule of St Benedict except the Cistercians and the Trappists).

The church has a basilical plan, and its mosaics have only the figures in mosaic and no background. The paschal candlestick is modern but in the Cosmatesque style. The crypt can be visited, through a door by the altar of the Blessed Sacrament. Behind this altar is a statue of St Benedict, with his arms raised in prayer - the posture in which he died.

In the atrium, there is a bronze statue of St Anselm, made in the late the 20th century. From here, it is possible to see Santa Maria del Priorato, which lies in a complex that is closed to the public. In the entrance to the monastery, reached from the atrium, is a Roman mosaic of Orpheus that was found when the college was built.


* [ Nyborg]

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