- Posterior fossa
Posterior fossa may refer to:
Posterior cranial fossa
*Posterior intercondyloid fossa
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Posterior fossa may refer to:
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
posterior fossa — n CRANIAL FOSSA (a) … Medical dictionary
posterior fossa meningioma — a meningioma in the posterior cranial fossa; these include tentorial, clival, and cerebellopontine angle meningiomas … Medical dictionary
Posterior cranial fossa — Base of the skull. Upper surface. The Posterior cranial fossa is labeled in green. Latin fossa cranii posterior Gray s … Wikipedia
Fossa — is the Latin word for ditch or trench . It can refer to one of the following:AnatomyIn anatomical terminology, fossa has come to mean a depression or hollow, in general, in a bone. Other parts of the body may be involved, for example, the… … Wikipedia
posterior cranial fossa — n CRANIAL FOSSA (a) … Medical dictionary
Fossa — (lat.), 1) Graben; 2) Kanal; 3) (Anat.), eine grubenartige, bes. rinnenartige Vertiefung, meist in Knochen, doch auch in Weichgebilden, so am Oberarm die F. anterior u. F. posterior; F. cranii, am Hirnschädel, s.d.; am Oberkiefer F. maxillaris u … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
fossa navicularis — fossa na·vic·u·lar·is nə .vik yə lar əs n a depression between the posterior margin of the vaginal opening and the fourchette … Medical dictionary
fossa ductus venosi — fossa of ductus venosus: an impression on the posterior part of the diaphragmatic surface of the liver in the fetus, lodging the ductus venosus … Medical dictionary
fossa — A depression usually more or less longitudinal in shape below the level of the surface of a part. [L. a trench or ditch] acetabular f. [TA] a depressed area in the floor of the acetabulum superior to the … Medical dictionary
Fossa cranii caudalis — Die Fossa cranii posterior (lat., „hintere Schädelgrube“), bei Tieren als Fossa cranii caudalis bezeichnet, wird vor allem durch das Hinterhauptsbein (Os occipitale) des Schädels gebildet und dominiert durch das Foramen magnum (Hinterhauptsloch) … Deutsch Wikipedia